意大利电子公司(Eletttonica S.P.A.),设计和制造用于战术支援、训练以及自卫的各种电子对抗系统,包括全套被动式电子接收系统和全套主动式电子干扰(ECM) 系统等。 (4) 主要产品 军民用飞机 “欧洲战斗机”(欧洲四国联合研制);“狂风”战斗机(设计和制造可变后掠翼及本国订货的整机总装);AMX轻型亚音速攻击机(...
4.Do you like giraffes? Yes,I do./No, I don’t.5.She is very beautiful but she is very shy.6.Let’s see the koala bears.Well,I like koala bears very much.7.Why do you want to see…? Because they are cute.Unit 3 I’d like a large pizza.一、词组及短语:1.I’d =I ...
3. Baby koala bears are only 2 centimeters tall.___4. They can jump and swim.___5. You can check out three.___6. Peter
1.Labor Day you soon, we are very happy family, as the Labor Day holiday, we are prepared to go to Hong Kong and Guangzhou Zoo. I want to go take a look at the Koala Koala lovely and lively monkey, elephant, there are also many lovely animals. I will and passion for ...
- 英语:The koala is a national treasure of Australia and a unique, precious, and primitive arboreal mammal.- 代表动物:袋鼠 (Kangaroo)- 汉语:袋鼠是任一种属于袋鼠目的有袋动物,主要分布于澳大利亚大陆和巴布亚新几内亚的部分地区。- 英语:Kangaroos are any of the species belonging to the...
4.skate 溜冰 5.ski 滑雪 6.play basketball 打篮球 7.play football 踢足球 8.play tennis 打网球 9.play voilyball 打羽毛球 10.play pingpang 打乒乓球 11.do moring excecise 做早操 12.ride a bike 骑自行车 13.fly kites 放风筝 14.boxing 拳击 15.dance 跳舞10hundreds million billion thousands...
2、kind of=a bit =a little 稍微、有点3、有点有趣:kind of interesting 4、有点懒:kind of lazy5、来自南非:be from South Africa6、对某人友好:be friendly to sb7、和某人友好相处:be friendly with sb8、喜欢做某事(习惯性的):like doing sth 9、喜欢做某事(偶尔一次的、未发生的): like to ...
3 Koala bears like sleeping and eating ___(树叶).4 It's ___ (下雨).We can't go out.5 In ___(第二张) photo, I’m with Tom.6 Lucy looks very ___(轻松).7. My brother wants to be a ___(警察).8 Tigers and pandas are my favorite ___(动物).9 How’...
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病ill[il] 5.ind[aind]药(丸)pill[pil] 找到find[faind]将要will[wil] 种(类)kind[kaind](小)山hill[hil] 想法(思想)mind[maind]技能,技巧skill[skil]* 在…后面读作behind词义联想:由will(将要) [bihaind]联想will的过去式would 6.ing读作[i][wud]。 带来bring[bri]4.in,in读作[in] 东西...