
a musical genius思维导图



Wayne Lin Jun Jie (Simplified Chinese: 林俊杰, Traditional Chinese: 林俊杰; pinyin: Lín Jùnjié; born on March 27, 1981) is more commonly known as JJ Lin. He is a Singaporean singer and songwriter of Chinese Fujian descent, and he came to musical prominence and success in the...


人教版七年级英语下册第九单元B篇2b翻译如下:In order to help me grow healthily, my parents make some family rules. First, we must honest to others. Honesty is the basic character of a person.为了使我健康成长,我父母制定了一些家规。首先,我们必须诚实相待。诚实是一个人最基本的性格...

jazz的介绍(中英对译) Thank you

the band features a soloist who is an individual at the extreme, a genius like Charlie Parker who explores musical territoryswheresno one has ever gone before. In the same sense, American life is also a combination of teamwork and individualism, a combination of individual brilliance...

莎拉·寇娜 英文介绍

He's so great - such an entertaining guy. He's a musical genius, so I was really nervous to work with him. And he wanted to write a song for me, which was even more weird! It was awesome. Who would you have on the bill if you organised a festival?Michael Jackson, Beyonce, ...


名词表示人的“能力,才能”之意。genius语气最强,指天赋的高度才能与智力。He makes much account of her musical genius.他重视她的音乐天才。He is a mathematical genius.他是一个数学天才。四、east 英 [iːst]   美 [iːst]adj. 东方的 adv. 向东方 n. 东方;东部 1、...


where he was very successful.WolfgangAmadeus Mozart (1756–1791) was a composer,possibly the greatest musicalgeniusof all time. He only lived 35 years and he composed more than 600 pieces ofmusic.Mozartwas born in Salzburg, Austria.His father Leopold was a musicianand orchestra...

谁 可以帮帮我写一篇剧院魅影 的英文介绍和点评(对歌曲)我高一_百度...

brings a raw, full-throated masculinity to the Phantom, a musical genius who prowls the theater with a mask hiding the disfigured half of his face but nothing cloaking his mad desire to make Christine a star and his lover. He'd kill for her and crosses swords excitingly with ...


Elena, statistically, genius occurs once in individuals. We expected to discover only five geniuses from the Pasadena orphanage. We've got eight. ...may actually be a musical masterpiece. Listen to our computer's interpretation of Basil's playing. That's remarkable. It has all the complexities...


" said pop king. He break through original music theme, form in Asia, the music material, fusion multivariate create various songs style, especially in the fusion of music in the style of the hip-hop or r&b most famous Chinese pop music, is a tradition of "Chinese wind". ...

杰克逊(其他欧美歌手亦行)的英文介绍和一个他的专辑的英文介绍_百度知 ...

In 1977, Jackson landed a starring role alongside Diana Ross in the all-black film musical The...some of the sharpest black pop ever recorded reaffirmed Jackson's peculiar genius and star ...(8 million U.S., 25 million worldwide) and Dangerous (7 million U.S., 27 million world...
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