
a spare


宏碁笔记本Acer Aspare 4736G,出现电源启动不到5秒钟,风扇停止,机子自动...

应该是主板供电芯片和电路出问题导致的故障,其他常见的原因:内存松动或者内存本身有问题,重插一下内存或者换根内存试试;主板供电芯片虚焊或者老化,屏线松动或者主板给屏幕供电电路短路;显卡、南桥、北桥BGA封装芯片虚焊或者损坏,一般虚焊的情况比较多,加焊下就好。笔记本硬件疑惑解答 ...


Lin : Hi , Xiao Mao (Are you busy tonight) ?Mao : Why ? I’m just free tonight .Lin : Very good . I am going to see a film and here aspare ticket . (Will you go with me)?Mao :I am glad to hear that .(What kind of film is that) ?Lin :It is a new film...


固定句型:sb/sth is said to do sth 某人/物据说做某事 考查主语he和leave的关系,两者明显为主动,排除CD;再根据句意,该动作(leave the stage)已经发生,所以必须使用不定式的完成形式: to have done sth. 即:sb/sth is said to have done sth 某人/物据说已经做了某事 2. C 根据句意,...


2.Mistakes and errors are ___ we learn right from wrong and they help us move forward in life.A: what B: when C: how D: which(这两题选什么,为什么,怎么翻译?)答:A 译:错误让我们明辩是非,有助于我们在生活中向前进。析:are后需要一个名词性从句。只有what能表示...

We arrived at the airport with five minutes___. A.to spare B.at...

A spare作动词表示抽出时间的意思,这句话的意思是“我们到达机场时,还有五分钟的时间可以抽出来。”又比如:Can you spare me a few minutes?希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

in case 和 in case of 意思和用法上的区别?

"in case万一。是连词,引导条件状语从句。in case后面是一个完整的句子 。Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。in case of如果,万一,其中of是介词,介词后面只能带名词性质的词,比如名词、代词等。如:Take a spare tyre along in case of n...
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