
a town


olympic green是奥林匹克公园的意思,为什么公园用green单词?_百度知 ...

这里作为公园是green作为名词的引申义。Green:n. 绿色;草绿色; 绿色蔬菜;绿叶蔬菜;(尤指城镇或村庄中心的) 草地,草坪,公共绿地。Green作为公园的专有名词还有:Pagewood Green 中央公园 Guthrie Green Park 格斯里绿色公园 Green Park 格林公园 ...


If youstay in a town, or hotel, or at someone's house, you live there for a short time.stay的反义词e.g. Gordon stayed at The Park Hotel, Milan...戈登下榻在米兰的帕克饭店。e.g. He tried tostay a few months every year in Scotland.他每年都会争取在苏格兰住几个月。3.保持;维持If ...

谁能大概翻译一下 One day, a farmer was walking along a r_百度知...

谁能大概[翻译下一天,一个农民走与他的儿子托马斯道路。父亲说:“你看!有一个马蹄形。把它捡起来,并把它放在你的包。“ 托马斯说,“这是不值得的麻烦。” 他的父亲什么也没说,但他把它捡起来自己。当他们到达附近的一个小镇,他们有一个休息。有农民出售的马蹄,并与几毛钱,他买了一些...

I perfer a street in a small town to one in such a large city as...

as 和 like 在汉语中都译做"像",但字面下的隐含意思是不同的.like侧重A B两者间的比较,并不意味着A和B属于一类或完全相似.例如:He speak English like an Englishman.(=in a way an Englishman speaks English.)表示有些相象 as则侧重于同一性,意味着A B两者属于同一类或完全相似.例如:He ...


The Ma Er Kai road end had no way, have to pull the city of the thou the Xu round and round to surround and wildly the diagram trap a town people dead.His this kind of way, make Archimedes also incapable is a dint.The Rome troops had been besieging for eight months, the end ...

谁有The Bremen Town-Musicians的英文版全文???急!!!

seeing that no good wind was blowing, ran away and set out on the road to Bremen. “There,” he thought, “I can surely be a town-musician.” When he had walked some distance, he found a hound lying on the road, gasping like one who had run till he was tired. “Wha...

a dull town是什么意思

a dull town 一个沉闷的城镇 一个枯燥无味的城镇 双语例句 1 Only a churlish person would call this town dull.只有粗鲁的人才会说这个小镇枯燥无味。2 For nine days of dirty fun, a quaint South Korean coastal city paints the town adull shade of mud.历时九天的“泥巴狂欢节”在韩国...

如果你女朋友给你听break up in a small town代表什么?


请问“to wit , a workhouse”是什么意思?谢谢

你好!!!Among other public buildings in a certain town, which for many reasons it will be prudent to refrain from mentioning, and to which I will assign no fictitious name, there is one anciently common to most towns, great or small: [to wit, a workhouse]在某一个小城...

...like to live in a big city or in a small town ?why or why not...

There are many reasons explain that I select the big city. Firstly, I think that live in the big city is helpful for the development of individual. The economic development in the big city is better than in the small one. I am a graduate student, I have read so many books...
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