
a vet



2、A large bird flew past us. 一只大鸟从我们这儿飞过。 3、The wounded bird fluttered to the ground. 那只受伤的鸟扑着翅膀落到地上。 扩展资料同根词: 词根: bird adj.birdlike 敏捷轻快的;似鸟的 n.birder 猎鸟者7a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333366303061 例句: 1、Some dinosaurs engaged in distinctl...

escalate, lift, elevator的区别

t*]K.K.[6Wl*7vet+]n.(名词)A platform or an enclosure raised and lowered in a vertical shaft to transport people or freight.升降机:在垂直通道上载运人们或货物升降的平台或笼子The enclosure or platform with its operating equipment, motor, cables, and accessories.提升设备:笼子或...


比较:He had decided to be a vet before he ___(或before ___).6、 one of +最高级+名词复数 7、 ∽ sb do /doing sth 结构的动词有:一感(feel)、二听(listen to、hear)、三让(let、make、have)、四看(look at、see、watch、notice)、半帮助(help)。在∽ sb do sth的结构中...


7) [a:] 字母组合 ar a car farm card arm garden fast class last glass plant aunt calm 8) [] 发音字母 u o ou oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus come mother dose brother love above trouble rough flourish blood flood 9) []字母组合 al or au our ar aw small wall ...


6969 Gatecrasher.a 7306 网络精灵(木马) 7307 ProcSpy 7308 X Spy 7626 冰河(木马) 默认端口 7789...7= 回显9 = 丢弃11 = 在线用户13 = 时间服务15 = 网络状态17 = 每日引用18 = 消息发送19 = ...78 vettcp vettcp 修正TCP? 79 finger Finger FINGER(查询远程主机在线用户等信息) 80 http World ...


用99种语言对爱人说我爱你1 英语:I love you2 法语:je t'aime4 德语:ich liebe dich5 希腊语:σε αγαπώ se agapo6 匈牙利语:szertlek7 爱尔兰语:taim i'ngra leat8 爱沙尼亚语:mina armadtansind9 芬兰语:mina rakastan sinua10 比利时弗拉芒语:ik zie11 意大利语:Ti ...


4. Ma Van Husvet Napja 今天是复活节5. Palatkar 来自帕拉特卡6. Harom Ejjel Harom Nap 三天三夜(苏慕基女郎)7. Tele Van A Sotet Egbolt 夜空中的明亮星星8. Tudod Babam 心爱的你了解我9. Milica Je Vecerala Kovacs Pavo Dallamai 帕沃克娃克斯之音10. Tancdallamok Kecskemet Kornyekerol 凯克...


7. a.√; b.×; c.×; d.× 8. a. thirty, fifty b. seventy, fifty c. ninety-three, ninety-five d. fifteen, thirty-five 9. shoes; shorts; T-shirt; socks; dress; skirt; trousers 10. thirty; ninety 11. a. vet; b. fifty; c. video 12. a; c; g 13. How much...


[11] Soliman H A, Mostafaa D. Clinical Evaluation of 660 nm Diode Laser Therapy on the Pain, Size and Functional Disorders of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis[J]. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences,2019,7(9). [12] Squarzoni P, Bani D, Cialdai F, et al. NIR Laser Therapy...


近代革命 制片人 魏瑞敏、邓力维 在线播放平台 爱奇艺、乐视、腾讯、PPTV、央视影音、优酷、土豆 ://baike.baidu/link?url=KP7bHidcG0m1VETJWdIv9p7w1_Xp0SX_EsRuXodu8J1h5GxcuRfi4sewVPD0a8a-erBHmtqmuGQKecUK5o5zHOUgVMCgEnM71qKcbSQvMTFWIpCXGjZQPzbobACOqd44vQ-MdOvA7Ua53PK_A2m1Nq ...
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