



Courage is not the absense of fear,but rather the judgement that something else is simply more important than fear.The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.有些时候不是我们自己不行,不是自己软弱,不是自己不够勇敢……而是,我们自己不知道,做怎样的自己...


地震气候”的那种光。我唯一的邻居会几天都足不出户。夜晚没有半点的亮光,她的丈夫会提着一把大刀在四周游走。某天他会跟我说他听到了侵入者(的声音),另一天(他会说他遇到了)一条响尾蛇。部分参考:http://www.englishforums.com/English/OminouslyGlossyEerieAbsense-Surf/gqqhq/post.htm ...

跪求james blunt 《No Tears》中文歌词,急急急!!!

james blunt 《No Tears》中文歌词 don't I know it, nobody has to say 难道我不知道吗,不需要你告诉我 I've been lucky, 'guess I was born that way 我猜我从出生就这么幸运 I think of my father, his absense makes me strong 想到我的父亲,他的离开使我坚强 and I love my ...


My best friend and I are similar: we are both serious.I have more friends than he does, because I'm much more outgoing than he is.He didn't come to class yesterday because he was ill. 或: He was absense for class yesterday, because he didn't feel well.She made me ...

Palo Alto的《Swim》 歌词

In spite of the absense of sun Choking on salt water I'm not giving in You gotta swim Tonight's the moment Swim for your family Your mothers your sisters Your brothers your friends You gotta swim For wars without cause Swim for these lost politicians Who don't see their greed...

Swim (Album Version) 歌词

In spite of the absense of sun Choking on salt water I'm not giving in You gotta swim Tonight's the moment Swim for your family Your mothers your sisters Your brothers your friends You gotta swim For wars without cause Swim for these lost politicians Who don't see their greed...

Reamonn的《Swim》 歌词

In spite of the absense of sun Choking on salt water I'm not giving in You gotta swim Tonight's the moment Swim for your family Your mothers your sisters Your brothers your friends You gotta swim For wars without cause Swim for these lost politicians Who don't see their greed...

Swim (Lp Version) 歌词

In spite of the absense of sun Choking on salt water I'm not giving in You gotta swim Tonight's the moment Swim for your family Your mothers your sisters Your brothers your friends You gotta swim For wars without cause Swim for these lost politicians Who don't see their greed...




of absense, cause it doth remove 别离,因为别离 the things which elemented it 使爱的根基破碎支离 but we by a love so much refined 但我和你拥有如此纯洁的爱 though ourselves know not what it is 连我们都无法理解 inter-assured of the mind 心心相印、相许 careless,eyes,lips and hands to mis...
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