/I will get back home from work by about 5 pm today.,我能把你上周借我的那20块钱还给我吗?/我今天下午5点左右下班回家。,15. Hold back,15.忍住,阻止,When something or someone holds back, it stops or hinders itself or another from saying or doing something.,当某事或某人退缩时,它会阻止...
She stepped outside and proceeded out into the middle of the yard, but she stopped short because the strangest sight met her eyes.the man was standing4 quietly on the roof of the barn, just about 5 yards away, illuminated5 only by the moonlight. She remembers that he had an unnatural6...
spite of,into等。例如:Investors choose fund managers on the basis of past performance.投资者依据过去的业绩选择基金经理。5、分词介词 有极少数介词的词尾是“-ing”,形似现在分词(其中也有些可做分词)。常用的有:considering,regarding,respecting,including。参考资料来源:百度百科-介词 常用...
500 km from the heilong Jiang river in the north ,near the city of Mohe, to the Zengmu Reef of the Nansha Islands in the South China Sea and for about 5,200 km form the Pamir highlands in the far west to the junction of the rivers Heilong Jiang and Wusuli jiang(Ussuri...
||About at 5,000,000,000 year ago, the material that cosmos is all is all high intensively in 1:00, have got the alpine temperature, as a result took place the enormous Bang.大爆炸以后,物质开始向外大膨胀,就形成了今天我们看到的宇宙。||About at 5,000,000,000 year ago, the material...
【答案】:国际商会第600号出版物《跟单信用证统一惯例》第三条规定,“如使用‘于(on)’或‘约于(about)’之类词语限定装运日期,银行将视为在所述日期前后各五天内装运,起讫日包括在内”。本题中信用证规定装运期为on/or about 15th May,2001,提单签发日为同年的5月20日,属于所述日期后...
I remember when I caught a fever at midnight last year,my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could.When we got home after my injection,it was about 5 oclock in the early morning.My mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 oclock to prepare breakfast for ...
1、干(某事),着手做;着手进行。2、四处走动;旅行。3、 (消息等)传播,流传;(疾病等)流行。4、到处…;经常从事于。go about 读音:英 [ɡəʊ əˈbaʊt] 美 [ɡoʊ əˈbaʊt]释义:进行(日常活动);(经常)穿…例句:He went...
Learning English Is Not Difficult I have learned English for about 5 years. To be honest, learning English is not as difficult as you thought. The only thing you should remember is intereast . Only if you have interest in speaking or listening can you make big progress.So far,...