


I want to study better.What should I do?

呵呵 掌握方法 I have some good ways to you.对于英语我觉得只要好好学 认真听老师讲 基础打好 适当的做一些英语题 其实英语很简单的 主要是 多学 多记 多背 多读 多思 多听 有了这六多英语不怕学不好 多学 意思是上课认真听老师讲课 把老师所受的知识学好 多记 意思是多记单词 除必须级...

关于孝道的名言、成语(英语 、至少10句、)、小故事(100字以内)_百度知...

卧冰求鲤 晋王祥,字休征。早丧母,继母朱氏不慈。父前数谮之,由是失爱于父母。尝欲食生鱼,时天寒冰冻,祥解衣卧冰求之。冰忽自解,双鲤跃出,持归供母。 晋朝的王祥,早年丧母,继母朱氏并不慈爱,常在其父面前数说王祥的是非,因而失去父亲之疼爱。一年冬天,继母朱氏生病想吃鲤鱼,但因...


16. B 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. D 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. A 25. A 26. frustrated 27. running 28. (should) stop 29. pursuit 30. playing 31. influence 32. tolerant 33. achievement 34. Generally 35. to write 60. 明天我想请人把我的电脑修一下。(have sth. done)I...


Since leaving school, I am careful consideration of my interest and career trends. I think the financial sector is still my main interest. While at school is not ideal, but I unconsciously, already on this subject had a strong interest. I feel that I can not do without her. ...

what achevements do you think you have made in the past two year...


法语翻译 急~ 高手帮帮忙

带薪假期的自由时间 自由时间与空闲的产生是现代社会的特征之一,同时也是现代工资制度的普及,一个很长的时期内被记载,它开始于法国大革命之前结束于20世纪前三分之一的时间。自由时间存在于乡村文化中,尤其存在于为了宗教庆祝仪式而失业好几天的手工业者们和农民们中。在这段时期,随着工业化和城市化...


在过去两年的大学生活中,你觉得你都有哪些成就?I have learned how to control myself,how to live with others,and so on.



英语翻译 不要翻译器 急

a figure grows from the unknow with extrodinary military and political talent, he influenced the world and the orientation of history. He is a great man.not only because of his great achevements, but also because that i see a more realistic hero,searching and standing for freedom,...


Part 1:1 as a rule 2 industry 3 scripts 4 achevement 5 costumesPart 2:1d 2b 3a 4c 5bUnit10Target Vocabulary:1h 2g 3c 4d 5f 6b 7a 8eReading Comprehension:1b 2b 3b 4b 5cVocabulary Reinforcement A:1c 2a 3c 4d 5a 6bB:1 set up 2 explosive 3 interest 4 aim 5 categoriesQuizPart 1...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
