The importance of learning English as a tool to be engraved in mind when. 3 to find a good role model, timely and effective munication with clas *** ates and teachers. 4 develop good academic atmosphere, to develop an atmosphere of mutual exchange of ideas and knowledge of education. There...
工作,夫人,就在我的车上 Miamiisthehousewithoutadoubt 毫无疑问,迈阿密就是那座房子 I'mthechicointheclubthattheyyellabout 他们大喊大叫,我是俱乐部里的奇科 I'mfromthecitywherewomenarereal 我来满是形形色色的女人的城市 Bodiesaregreatbuttheybodypartsfake 美妞们的魅力无法挡 Killer,Kelly,Iru...
如果的近义词:倘若、若是、假如、假使、假设 拼音:[ rú guǒ ]意思:连词。一般用于上半句,表示假设,下半句推出结论或提出问题,常用“那么”“那”“则”“就”等词呼应。引证解释:连词。表示假设。吴运铎 《把一切献给党·入党》:“一个人,如果是真心革命,就不会让个人主义的灰尘迷住眼睛...