


A L I S A.是什么意思

Alisa [词典] [人名] 阿莉莎;[例句]What Alisa needs is only victory, and the exclamation mark is a tribute to her courage and desire to continue fighting without the rook!艾历莎想要的只是胜利,感叹号是对她弃车也要继续战斗的勇气的赞誉。


Alisa [词典] [人名] 阿莉莎;[例句]What Alisa needs is only victory, and the exclamation mark is a tribute to her courage and desire to continue fighting without the rook!艾历莎想要的只是胜利,感叹号是对她弃车也要继续战斗的勇气的赞誉。


翻译中文是:阿莉莎,音标是:【ə'lisə】1、What Alisa needs is only victory, and the exclamation mark is a tribute to her courage and desire to continue fighting without the rook!阿莉莎想要的只是胜利,感叹号是对她弃车也要继续战斗的勇气的赞誉。2、Lady Gaga has been ...


1、Alisa的读音为 [əˈlisə] ,[人名] 阿莉莎。有快乐的姑娘的意思。2、例句:And I have never had nor will ever have better teachers than Alisa, Karen and Gabrielle. 我从未有过比艾莉莎、卡伦、加布里埃尔莉更好的良师益友,以前没有,将来也不会有。

Alisa英文名怎么读 Alisa英文名如何读

翻译中文是:阿莉莎,音标是:【ə'lisə】1、What Alisa needs is only victory, and the exclamation mark is a tribute to her courage and desire to continue fighting without the rook!阿莉莎想要的只是胜利,感叹号是对她弃车也要继续战斗的勇气的赞誉。2、Lady Gaga has been ...

alisa 怎么读?

alisa英标发音是[əˈlisə],音译为阿莉莎。例句:And I have never had nor will ever have better teachers than Alisa, Karen and Gabrielle.我从未有过比艾莉莎、卡伦、加布里埃尔莉更好的良师益友,以前没有,将来也不会有。




alisa的读音为 [əˈlisə] ,[人名] 阿莉莎。有快乐的姑娘的意思。例句:And I have never had nor will ever have better teachers than Alisa, Karen and Gabrielle.我从未有过比艾莉莎、卡伦、加布里埃尔莉更好的良师益友,以前没有,将来也不会有。同时,阿丽莎alisa,Bandai ...
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