


克朗奎斯特分类法的蔷薇亚纲 Rosidae

澳楸科 Davidsoniaceae6. 毛枝树科 Dialypetalanthaceae7.海桐花科Pittosporaceae8.腺毛草科Byblidaceae9.八仙花科Hydrangeaceae10.弯药树科Columelliaceae11.茶藨子科Grossulariaceae12. 鞘叶树科 Greyiaceae13.鳞叶树科Bruniaceae14.四柱木科Anisophylleaceae15. 假海桐科 Alseuosmiaceae16....

write an essay

I have found that different friends cannot only lead to new adventures but alse show me new avenues in life.Thirdly,they can help me with whatever difficulties I encounter in life To conclude, I prefer to have both types of friends and as many as possible. Of course,I will no...


问题五:“我的车子不仅爆胎了,刹车也坏了”的英文翻译 My car is not only blow-out, but alse there is something wrong with the brake.问题六:轮胎英文是什么 tyre 问题七:轮胎的英文怎么拼写? 轮胎: [ lún tāi ]1. tyre (tire)1. 这条轮胎已经磨平了,你应该换一条新的。The...




灞 拼音: bà, 笔划: 24 部首: 氵 五笔输入法: ifae 基本解释:--- 灞 bà 〔灞水〕水名,在中国陕西省。笔画数:24;部首:氵;笔顺编号:441145244441221251123511 详细解释:--- 灞 bà 【名】河名。灞水〖BaRiver〗。中国陕西中部的河流,是渭河的支流。源出蓝田县...

小学六年级英语作文 10篇

The dragon boat festival is alse called Duanwu Festival. It is on May 5th of the Chinese lunar calendar. We eat Zongzi and race dragon boat to honor the gread poet, Qu Yuan. Zongzi is a pyramid-shaped dumpling which is filled with rice. People think the rice can keep th ...


in my childhood,my teacher helped me a lot ,herconstantencouragement and promotion guides me into this art and becomes zealous for it. so i hope i could impart knowledge to every dancing-loving child .of course i alse encountered some that is not much of a good teacher,who...


Good morning,ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls.Now ,It's my turn.My name is Edgar,a high school student.I am very honored to be here to give you a speech.Also it's a good chance for me to improve my English.I hope I can make a good performance today.The topic of ...

write a letter of inquiry(根据以下内容写一封外贸函电)

Dear Sir,Recommended by the Hong Kong Bank of China, we know your company and its address.Currently, we are interested in a wide variety of crafts which sold to the United States and Canada.If you can sent your latest catalog and price list , we would appreciate it. We ...


The dragon boat festival is alse called Duanwu Festival. It is on May 5th of the Chinese lunar calendar. We eat Zongzi and race dragon boat to honor the gread poet, Qu Yuan. Zongzi is a pyramid-shaped dumpling which is filled with rice. People think the rice can keep th ...
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