7月11日是现货 打架的翅膀和闪亮的东西 和狮子,老虎,熊,噢,我骑 我们很愤怒,并迅速 超声波就像杰杰奥发 一个'我们的岩石cuz车轮飞 不能怀疑用棒球棍 (日语诗)像kakaru 1 kiyo江东山 马塔塔在德伊索基saykよ ingosipta shito fokusai tekimatzailo kwanzai fola宽 法拉厄斯达卡bumotosto doj...
7-11 is the spot Fights with wings and shiny things And lions, tigers, bears, Oh my ride We're furious and fast Super sonic like JJ Phat An' we rock cuz the wheels are fly Can't be doubt with a baseball bat (Japanese verse)like kakaru a kiyo koto sa matata in dey ...