



一、 office 二、sunny cloudy rainy windy snowy storm muggy 三、1 uncle 2 grandfather 3 grandmother 4 aunt 5 cousin 6 the little rabbit's mother


1. daughter 2.grandma 3.mother 4.aunt 5.sister 等我回答。。


一,1.a/thephoto of2.These are friends4.she aunt she5.my two brothers二,1.Is that2,They are3.cousin4.she is5.Who is三,family,Wonderful,are,No,parents,His,mother,Those,uncle,Her四,1.Please bring my notebook to school2.My Maths Book is ...

...died in the air crash is living with his aunt now. 1.who 2.w...



100个词性转换五年级或四年级英语good(副词) well music(复数) music hobby(复数) hobbies sell(名词) sale boring(反义词) interesting busy(反义词) free it(复数) they no(同音词) know aren't(同音词) aunt they(反身代词) themselves success(形容词) successful science(表示人的名词) scientist life(...


1. Because of a bad cold, and Peter yesterday did not go to work.2. Do you know what the first Olympic Games are held in place do?3. His father liked to collect a wide variety of stamps.4. She is aunt raising adults.5. I bought one and you have exactly the same ...


library B. at the pool C. in the living room( )3. Jan' s brother isn' t ___.A. doing his homework B. watching TV C. eating french fries( )4. Jan' s ___ can' t swim.A. sister B. mother C. aunt( )5. Jan' s mother and aunt like ___ at the shop.A. eating french...

人教版七年级下册英语Unit5《I'm watching TV》教案

4. My aunt ___ ( watch ) TV 5.The boy ___ ( clean ) the room. 6. They ___ ( have ) a meeting . 7. Mr. Green and Mrs. Green ___ ( look ) for their son. 板书 Unit 5 I’m watching TV section A(1a-1c) 现在进行时 1,定义:表示现在正在进行或发生 的动作。 2,构成:...


1、为考试作准备 study for the test/exam get ready for the test/exam 2.帮我父母干活 help parents to do some housework/ help parents with the housework 3.去看医生 go to see a doctor go and see a doctor 4.看望我姑姑 visit/see my aunt 5.上钢琴课 have piano lessons 6.太多...

1. defrin 2. taun 3. steris 4. thomer 5...

1. friend 2. aunt 3. sister 4. mother 5. father 6. brother7. cousin 8. uncle 9. son 10. grandfather 11. daughter 12. grandmother
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
