



C D A B 依据是 课文中有这样一句话Before long they invented a lot of ball games,B 依据是文中有句话 They thought that ball playing was one of the best ways to teach the young men to be brave and strong. 如果选D,则不符合文中之意。 球类运动是最好的方法之一。而D表达...


1、《danger zone》2、《hot summer nights》3、《migghty wings》4、《heaven ln your eyes》5、《playing with the boys》6、《through the fire》7、《lead me on》8、《destination unknown》9、《take my breath away》10、《top gun anthem》...

9篇 初一120词的英语作文 着急!!! 不要一个类型的 跪求!!! 谢谢...

Sports collection 6 baseballs and 4 soccer balls…Subject(科目) Like English and math interesting Food : like ice cream ,Fench fries and hamburgers Dislike (不喜欢) Salad broccoli Dear Tom:How are you? Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Mona Hand. I am th...

in front of和before的区别

"in front of"表示一个物体或人位于另一个物体或人的前面,在空间上存在一个明确的前后关系。 而"before"表示在时间上先于或早于某个事件或行动发生,在时间上存在一个先后顺序。先来了解下它们的基本含义和用法吧!下面一起来看看它们有哪些区别。1、位置关系的不同 "in front of"表示一个物体或...


1,Mushroom pork balls 2.Hand fighting beef balls 3.Dichotomanthes hand fighting pill 4.Shuang HUA pork Pill 5.Mushroom Chicken Pill 6.Hong Kong fish balls 7.Gold shrimp Pill 8.O-Mexican fish balls 9.US repudiation of combination pills 不...


7.tries killer balls often 总是喜欢尝试传威胁球 8.shoots long 喜欢远射 9.shoots with power 喜欢大力射门 10.places shots 追求射门角度 11.curls ball 喜欢使用弧线球 12.likes to round keeper 喜欢盘过守门员 13.likes to try to break offside trap 喜欢尝试反越位 14....

英语题 高手请进

bed7和8这两题我本身也不是很清楚,只知道swim in the river.补充问题:There are so many fish.1.of2.two tons3. Here are two fish. 鱼肉不可数 同种鱼不加s表示不同种类鱼可用负数 here are two kinds of fishes.different kinds of fishes4.one chick, two chicks5. badminton balls ...


He has 10 basketballs, 4 footballs,2 ping-pong balls, 15volleyballs and 9 baseballs. He doesn’t have a ping-pong bat, but he has 8 tennis rackets. Of all the sports, He likes tennis best. He likes sports very much, because he thinks sports are good for health. He often plays ...


5、汤圆,中国特有,用汉语拼音,Tangyuan,(filled balls made of glutinous rice flour and served with soup 6、八宝饭,中国特有,用汉语拼音,Babaofan ,加注: Rice pudding with eight-delicious ingredients 7、花卷,Steamed rolls 8、银丝卷,Steamed rolls(bread)look like silver threads 9、糖葫芦或冰糖葫芦,...


酵母粉yeast barm Yellow美国十分受欢迎) pepper 黄油 butter 香草精(甜点必备) vanilla 面粉 flourextract5. 主食类(staple food):三明治 sandwich 米饭rice 粥 congee(rice soup) 汤 soup 饺子dumpling 面条 noodle 比萨饼 pizza 方便面 instant noodle 牛排 steak 里脊肉 fillet 肉丸子 meat balls ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
