12. "以物换物" —— "barter"是最原始的交换方式,体现了直接、公平的交易原则。13. "欺骗" —— "be"强调了欺骗行为的表面现象,"beguile"直译为诱人、迷惑。Unit 2 1. "略夸张悲痛的葬礼场面" —— "bathetic"是"pathetic"的贬义用法,讽刺了过分的悲痛表现。2. "被……困惑" —— "...
+{8|...80满}% 喝药效果 老K:考虑到本作中玩家要面对无限层的无尽挑战,还是值得加点。--- 攻击法术专精(Offensive Spell Mastery)(Passive) Increases the level of all Offensive Magic spells. Spells can be found or bought, and fall under the Spells tab in your inventory.被动技能。...
1. Art of Barter. 完成shylocke向莎士比亚收钱的任务得到,+15barter.2. Book of Death. 在Cortes宝藏的山洞里得到,+15Tribal Necromancy技能。3. Centuries. 在inquisition建筑里Torquemada南面得一个暗门内。4. Eloquent Works. 完成莎士比亚muse任务的回报,+15 speech.5. History of the Crusades...
Cotton 这里看看 http://www.google.cn/dictionary?source=translation&hl=zh-CN&q=%E6%A3%89%E8%8A%B1&langpair=zh-CN|en
8、换鞋:《换鞋》是陈华杰平安夜生创作的网络小说,发表于小说阅读网。9、换取:换取huànqǔ[exchangesth.for]∶用交换的方法取得用牛换取外汇[barter]∶以易货贸易方式交换用有限的剩余物资换取战略物资 10、换脸:《换脸》是眸散写的网络小说连载于17k小说网。换水造句:1、我去年夏天养了六只,...
2. Backpacker: A long-term traveler who carries their belongings in a backpack, typically engaging in self-guided tours. This trend originated in Europe during the 1960s hippie movement, with young people setting out to explore the world and seek self-discovery.3. Barter Clan: ...
同义词:barter, swap, swop 4. the skilled practice of a practical occupation 同义词:craft 5. a particular instance of buying or selling 同义词:deal, business deal 6. the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers 同义词:patronage 7. steady winds blowing from ...
1. Overall, barter is a very inefficient means of organizing transactions.总之,易货贸易是一种效率很低的交易形式。2. All in all, it appeared that a pretty depressing summer awaited Jones.总之,等待琼斯的似乎是一个相当令人沮丧的夏天。3. Try tennis, badminton or windsurfing. In ...
What gives money value as such is that it is, or can be, used for exchange, replacing the original human system of trade, which was barter. The value of money is thus the value people attribute to what they want to exchange, no more, no less. As a medium of exchange, all money ...