
be due to的用法



be due to是归功于,用于句中 Due to the bad weather,the flight has been delayed.由于坏天气,航班延误了 Due to 是由于的意思,通常用于句首

due to和be due to的区别是什么?

Due to可以用在句首;Be due to 只能用在句中。due to 英 [dju: tu:] 美 [du tu]释义:欠下债[账],应给予; 由于; 因为; 应归于 Council members are due to have informal discussions later on today....

be due to造句和用法

be due to do:词性为动词短语,be + due to + 动词原形,表示动作或事件的预计或计划。be due to doing:词性为动词短语,be + due to + 现在分词,表示某事物的原因或原因所在。通过下面的表格我们了解下be due t...

请问due to和be due to有什么区别?

2.be due to用法:后接副词或动词,在句中多作状语,也可作表语。例句:The boss took him to task over his lateness.上司因为他迟到而责备他。三、侧重点不同 1.due to侧重点:用于一般将来时。2.be due to侧重点...

be due to do sth还是be due to doing sth?

2. 用法区别:"be due to do" 中的动词不定式(to do)表示将要发生的行动,通常与计划、预定或约定相关。例句:She is due to give a presentation tomorrow. (她计划明天进行一次演讲。)"be due to doing" 中的...

due to和be due to的区别

1、due to由于,应付。回 2、be due to∶因为。答 【用法】1、due to∶due也可作“到期应付的”解,这时在句中主要用作表语,due还可作“定于某时到达”解,这时在句中可用作表语,其后常接at【in】介词短语。due...

due to和be due to 在句中的用法

due to = because of (由于)be due to = should 所以第一空使用due to, 第二空使用 be due to

be due 的用法

be due 到期,常见用法是be due to 意思是:由于;起因于。在句中与其他成分不用逗号隔开,是非常口语化的表达方式。 扩展资料 例句:The results could simply be due to chance.这结果可能纯属意外。The problem ...

be due to后接doing还是doing?

"Be due to do" 和 "be due to doing" 都表示某件事情预计会发生或安排在将来的某个时间,但用法上略有不同。"Be due to do" 表示某个任务或事件预计会在未来某个时间点发生,通常接一个动词原形,表明将来要完成...

be due to do和be due to doing有什么区别?

"be due to do" 表示预定或计划要做某事,而 "be due to doing" 表示某种行为或动作导致了某种结果或原因。"be due to do" 和 "be due to doing" 是表示原因或预定事件发生的两种不同的表达方式。"be due to ...
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