
be impressed on 和 be impressed with 有区别吗?最好能举例。


be impressed with和be impressed on的区别在哪里?

二、用法不同 1.be impressed on用法:间接宾语由介词on引出,使某人牢记,在⋯留下了印象。2.be impressed with用法:impressed强调影响既深刻又持久,使某人铭记某事,对于⋯留下了印象。三、侧重点不同 1.be impressed on侧重点:作主语通常是物而不是人,指一物对另一物产生的消极影...

be impressed on 和 be impressed with 有区别吗?最好能举例。_百度知...

be impressed on 和 be impressed with 的区别在于意义、用法和侧重点的不同。首先,从意义上讲,be impressed on 传达的是“印象深刻”的概念。例如:“Visitors will be impressed with the enormous range. 特价出售、值得收藏的精美艺术品种类繁多,将会让参观者大开眼界。”而 be impressed with ...

be impressed with与be impressed on的区别?谢!

另外,be impressed with有欣赏,受感动的意思.

be impressed with be impressed on be impressed by词义辨析要造句...

在这里,by 和with 起的作用基本相同,表述的是被打动的理由,而by更强调这个理由,with弱一点。一般来说,会用has impressed on。。。而非be impressed on,意思是对某事物起着重要影响,是指前者对后者的影响,不是被动。例:Massflow AGC has importantly impressed on increasing control precision ...


在语义侧重点方面,“be impressed on”更侧重于物对物产生的消极影响,即一物对另一物造成的深刻、持久的影响。例如,“The harsh words left a deep impression on my heart.”(那些严厉的话语在我心中留下了深刻的印象。)这里,“harsh words”是产生消极影响的源头。而“be impressed with”则...

impress sb with sth还是impress sth on sb?

impress sb with sth和impress sth on one’s mind是impress的两种不同用法,所表达的意思也有区别。1、sth. impress sb.eg: This novel impressed me greatly.这部小说给我留下了深刻的印象。be impressed with/by eg: I was impressed by what he said on the platform.他在讲台上说的那些话给...

impress on/upon/with有什么区别

with 1、使对...留有深刻的印象;使铭记 2、盖 上...,印上...基本上,impress on & impress upon 通用 格式上与impress with 有区别 如:1、impress sth.in [on]one's memory 使...铭记在心 be impressed with 被深深打动[感动]2、impress a mark on [upon]a surface=impress a surfac...

impress on和impress with有什么区别,要中英例句

He impress me with his excellent drawing skills 他的绘画技巧给我留下很深印象sth impress sb = sb be impressed by sth 某物使某人印象深刻impress sth on sb让某人对某样东西印象深刻其实意思区别不大 注意介词

impress sb with sth; sb be impressed by sth; impress sth on sb...

例如,“impress someone with one’s performance”意味着通过某人的表现给人留下深刻印象;“impress the concept on someone”则意味着通过持续强调,让某人对某个概念印象深刻。掌握这些搭配使用的方式,可以让我们在表达时更加丰富、生动。总之,通过了解“impress sb with sth”、“sb be impressed by...
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