



2、从邮件的后半部分,感受不到你较强的想和他做生意的愿望,显得很平淡。语言也不容易引发客户对你们产品的兴趣。3、建议第三段sorry to tell you删掉。直接But it isn't a smart faucet. Belows are some info of this product. 不要轻易说sorry,曾经不止一个客户和我谈到:“中国人很喜欢...

急求74篇30--40字以内的英语小作文 把题目带上 急急急急

One day. I asked it :"What one and one?” It says:” Wang, Wang.” I say;” What one and two?” It says:"wang, wang, wang.”So, it is very clever. 5/my gardenI have a small garden. It’s behind my building. There are some flowers in my garden. There are butterfly flow...

请高人帮忙用英语准确翻译一下几句话回答国外人员,软件和机器勿进_百 ...

5. After the terminations of process or line happened, there also exists the same quality risks in finish goods according to the review.


各种颜色的英文翻译是Various colors 重点词汇:colors 词语分析:音标:英 [ˈkʌləz] 美 [ˈkʌlərz]n. 彩色;颜料;脸色(color的复数)v. 涂颜色于;渲染(color的三单形式)短语:mix colors 调色 standard colors 标准色 例句:There are various color...


1. Fill usercode 2. Fill systemid . myeclipse active dialog show . Press Button to Generate id 3. Tools->RebuildKey {Create or Replace [private/public]Key.bytes (if not exists in current folder).} 4. Press Active Buttom belows not options 5. Tools->ReplaceJarFile . choose ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
