
big fan


I'm a real big fan of yours是什么意思?

意思是 我是一个你真正的忠实粉丝


此外,不同于其他动漫的集场配乐,多啦A梦的音乐总是令人感到轻松愉悦,能够让我忘却烦恼,进入一个美好的意境中。最后,多啦A梦的许多角色都非常可爱,用家庭成员的形式展现出不同的性格特点,这点十分有趣,让我很喜欢这个动漫世界。英文:I am a big fan of Doraemon. The charm of this anime...

语法问题:请问是big fan of Andy 还是 big fan of Andy's?两个ex...


I myself am a big fan of …为什么myself是做同位语?详细

在这个句子里,myself是主语 I 的同位语,重复提醒,起到再次强调主语的作用,“I am”和“I myself am”这两种表达的语气差异,跟中文里说“我是”和“我本人就是”之间的差异是类似的。这个问题的判断涉及到myself, himself, herself, itself, yourself等反身代词的常见用法:反身代词,如同其他...

i am a big fan of how the artist plays colors of

我为艺术家的色彩搭配着迷 或者 对于艺术家的色彩搭配,我是一个狂热的粉丝 句子结构…… 难道是问主谓宾吗!!! 主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语(后面一长串形容具体是什么粉的)ps。我是语法白痴,可忽略后面这一段

帮忙翻译一下全文 最好能一句一句对出来的

A big fan began blowing tiny white feathers down on him, and soon the trees were covered in "snow".一个大风扇开始吹小白羽毛放在他,很快,树木覆盖着“雪”。Two more fans were turned on, and a "strong wind" blew through the trees.两个更多的球迷被打开,和一个“狂风”吹过树林。


这件衬衣不够大。You're a big girl now.你现在已长成大姑娘了。Tonight is the biggest match of his career.今晚是他职业生涯中最重要的比赛。They're full of big ideas.他们满怀勃勃雄心。Orange is the big colour this year.橘黄色是今年的流行色。I'm a big fan of hers.我是她的...


Big fan~~~ I see you have found the secret peach tree of heaven that I knew was then Is that was this is…I was so sorry… I just Take it as a regular peach…tree… I understand, you eat when you’re upset. Upset? I’m not up set!whywhywhy makes me upset… So why are you...

You are a big fan of J.K.Rowling句中为什么不用is要用are,后面说是...

are是跟着you的。这里you是主语,are是谓语动词(系动词),至于后面的单数还是复数不用管。如果主语是he(she)的话,后面就用is了。至于那个一个用单数的,一般是there be句型。


profound truth: Success goddess always favored only those who are prepared.I have to admit, I kept saying that I hope Germany will lose to Spain, but because it was the German team beat Argentina, some of my throat just said. In fact I am a big fan of the German team....
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