
blackboard learn



7、 The design of blackboard(板书设计): Unit 1 WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL I am from America/Canada/China.这是我在教课的时候用的教案,你可以根据这个教案稍微做修改,就能用在剑桥预备级了,希望对你有所帮助 ...


Miss Gao is___ ___ ___ ___the blackboard. 答案: 一、(一)1.meaning 2.heavier 3.most slowly 4.leaving 5.wishes(二)1.ninth 2.catches 3.better 4.shortest...fastest 二、B A C B B A C B A B B B C...


3. Ss show the measures on the blackboard. 设计意图:通过合作学习,集思广益,有助于增强自信心,提高合作意识,竞争意识,积极主动地将自己已有的知识和经验与他人交流,结合语篇中的信息产生新的思想。 IV. Ss discuss the measures ...

求牛津3000中英翻译 加音标 速求啊啊啊啊啊啊

在此个别音标不能显示:英语发音规则 一,元音字母在重读音节中的读音 元音字母 读 音 例 词 a 在开音节中 [ei]name plane Jane baby cake 在闭音节中 [ ]bag dad hat map black back e 在开音节中 [i:]he ...


4. Stand up. 起立。(但我觉得地道的说法是 All rise)5. Sit down. 请坐。6. practice doing 练习做某事 7. I’m not English. I’m Chinese. (这句话有异议。)8. write on the blackboard 写在...


我这是有几个或许会有些土:弘扬雷锋精神 半世雷锋,芳名永留 Learn from comrade lei feng{向雷锋同志学习} 额,其实你没必要那么注意题目,他们主要是看你办的板报颜色是否鲜艳,而内容很少会去看的!相信我,我也是办...

my english study3000词英语作文?

Four, "eye to". While listening, but his eyes followed the teacher observed movements, lip, facial expressions, writing on the blackboard, drawing, exhibition and other teaching aids. The bination of visual ...


1)合成法blackboard, man-made, overthrow, however, everyone 2)转换法hand(n.)-hand(v.), break(v.)-break(n.) empty(adj.)-empty(v.) 3)派生法 (1)加前缀:dis-, in-, re-, un-, non- (2)加后缀:-able, -...


Please can you clean the blackboard/the whiteboard/the board?Would you mind cleaning the board, please?Just clean this half.Leave that section.We still need this part.Just clean that bit.Don\'t clean that side.Not ...


中文叫"介词"英文叫"preposition"想要深入研究的话,最详细不过这里了 http://baike.baidu.com/view/84281.htm 希望你不要睡著~
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