



it was a bright, warm flame, and she held her hands over it. It was quite an illumination for that poor little girl; nay,1 call it rather a magic taper, for it seemed to her as though she was sitting before a large iron-stove with brass ornaments, so beautifully blazed ...


1.怕羞的; 腼腆的 Mary is a shy girl.玛丽是一个害羞的女孩。The little girl blazed shy.这个小女孩满脸的羞涩。The boy is shy of strangers.这小孩怕陌生人。She is too shy to go to parties.她很怕羞, 不敢去参加舞会。2.害羞的; 胆怯的 Why is the moon so shy that it never s...


1. 欣赏一幅画的作文 我最喜欢一幅画是:《虾》是人民艺术家:白石老人画的。 里面画了五只大虾,上面一只,中间一只,下面三只。五只活灵活现的大虾。跟真的一样。最下面的一只虾颜色最重。第二只只稍微淡一点,第三只一下子淡了好多。三只虾挤在一块,就像活了一样。第四只第五只颜色都非常浅,淡淡的。


1.真正的世界不在你的书或地图中,而是在外面。2.真正的勇气,不是知道何时去杀人,而是何时去饶恕他人。3.萨鲁曼认为只有强大的力量可以控制现状,但我发现事实并非如此,就算是渺小的东西,每天的一举一动,都可以避免黑暗的发生——简单的善良与爱。 (同11)4.勇敢不在杀戮,而是宽恕!爱与仁慈最...


卖火柴的小女孩翻译成英文是The Little Girl Selling Matches.1、little的英式读法是['lɪtl];美式读法是['lɪtl]。作形容词意思有小的;幼小的;短的;微不足道的;少到几乎没有的。作副词意思有甚少;毫不;难得。作名词意思是极少。2、girl的英式读法是[ɡɜːl];没...


new chapter in China's aerospace cause 中国跨入世界上为数不多的具有深空探测能力国家的行列 China has joined the select group of world powers with the capabilities to engage in deep-space exploration 公开由嫦娥一号拍摄的第一张月面图像:unveil the first picture of the moon surface taken...


1. I just managed to【d. snatch】a quick breath before I sucked under the water by the passing boat.注:词组--snatch a quick breath 全句:在潜入路过的船下的水下之前,我只来得及匆匆地吸了一口气。2. The sound of the water gently【d. lapping】against the side of the boat ...

关于火山的英文词, 一定要每个英文单字开头都有

1、Lava boiled up from the crater of the volcano.熔岩从火山口喷出。2、Ash and cinders blazed down from the erupting volcano.炽热的火山灰和火山渣从爆发的火山纷纷喷发落下。3、That night, I watched him rappel into the area near a molten volcano on the island of Hawaii.那天晚上,...


1. "country" 的发音是:英['k?ntri]。2. "country" 详尽释义是:n. (名词) 国,国家,祖国;国土,土地;故乡,区域,乡下,乡村;全体国民,全国人民,国民,全民;郊外领域,政府。3. "country" 名词复数:countries。4. 伍敬一、详尽释义点此卜态查看 "country" 的详细内容。5. "country...


The trees like torches blazed with light.The bells were ringing in the dale,And men looked up with faces pale.The dragon's ire, more fierce than fire,Laid low their towers and houses frail.The mountain smoked beneath the moon.The dwarves, they heard the tramp of doom.They ...
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