



"Bra"的读音:英 [brɑː],美 [brɑ];n. 胸罩,乳罩; (Bra)人名;(科特)布拉;[俚语](汽车前部)活动罩,车头罩;cerebrum的变形。释义:1. n. 胸罩,乳罩; (Bra)人名;(科特)布拉;2. [俚语](汽车前部)活动罩,车头罩;3. abbr. β-resorcylic acid ...

英语诗歌(简单的,四句话) 四句话3月12日前发

when one by one our friends have gone and left our bosoms bleeding?怪 诞 呀,可 能 是 怪 诞——谁 要 不 想 把 日 程 放 慢,友 人 的 谢 世 接 二 连 三,胸 中 的 伤 痛 如 荼 如 炭.heaven gives our years of fading strength Indemnifying fleetness;and those of youth...


Its name supposedly meant to people that it would soothe the troubled breast, yet when it was printed in English, it turned out to be 'Ease Your Bosoms.'(又是一个例子,我们开始揣摩:作者要说什么呢?) Swedes started a promotion stunt to promote the sales of their vacuum cleaner named Electr...


when joys have lost their bloom and breath and life itself is vapid, why, as we reach the falls of death, feel we its tide more rapid? it may be strange-yet who would change time's coures to slower speeding, when one by one our friends have gone and left our bosoms bleeding? heave...


---唐朝.韩鸿《寒食》 3.折得一枝香在手,人间应未有。 ---宋.王安石《甘露歌》 4.绿杨烟外晓寒轻,红杏枝头春意闹。---宋.宋祁《玉楼春》 5.春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来。 ---宋.叶绍翁《游园不值》 6.等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。---宋.朱熹《春日》 7.日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如...
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