│├—阴谋(The Brazen Gambit)│├—黎明前的黑暗(Darkness Before the Dawn)│├—断刃(The Broken Blade)│├—朱红阴影(Cinnabar Shadows)│└—龙王兴衰录(The Rise and Fall of a Dragon King)├—灰鹰(Greyhawk)│├—Against the Giants│├—City of Hawks│├—Come Endless Darkness│├—Dance of...
│├—6.长枪之战(The War of the Lance)│├—7.传说精选(The Best of Tales)│└—8.英雄系列(Heroes)│├—1.修玛的传说(The Legend of Huma)│├—2.暴风之剑(Stormblade)│├—3.鼬鼠的好运气(Weasel's Luck)│├—4.米诺陶斯人卡兹(Kaz,the Minotaur)│├—5.索巴丁之门(The Gates of ...
│ ├—阴谋(The Brazen Gambit) │ ├—黎明前的黑暗(Darkness Before the Dawn) │ ├—断刃(The Broken Blade) │ ├—朱红阴影(Cinnabar Shadows) │ └—龙王兴衰录(The Rise and Fall of a Dragon King) ├—灰鹰(Greyhawk) │├—Against the Giants │├—City of Hawks │├—Come Endless Dar...
6 《思考致富》 拿破仑·希尔 [著] Daymond John, 服装制造厂商FUBU联合创始人,同时也是ABC电视台...Penelope Trunk是一位连续创业者,现在是虚拟展会平台Brazen Careerist 的联合创始人,她最喜欢翻阅 Guy
厚着脸皮;嬉皮笑脸 [brazen it out]。如:涎邓邓(含攫取挑逗的样子);涎皮(嘻皮赖脸,厚脸皮);涎脸(厚脸皮;嬉皮笑脸)拖;伸 [drag]。如:涎着半条舌头的黄狗 〈形〉[眼神] 呆滞 [dull]虔婆又吃了两杯酒,醉了,涎着醉眼说道:“他府里那些娘娘,不知怎样像画儿上画的美人!——《儒林外史》...
│├—阴谋(The Brazen Gambit) │├—黎明前的黑暗(Darkness Before the Dawn) │├—断刃(The Broken Blade) │├—朱红阴影(Cinnabar Shadows) │└—龙王兴衰录(The Rise and Fall of a Dragon King) ├—灰鹰(Greyhawk) │├—Against the Giants │├—City of Hawks │├—Come Endless Darkness ...
The New Colossus Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,With conquering limbs astride from land to land;Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch whose flame Is imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows ...
6) claim要求、声称 7) acclaimed受欢呼的、受称赞的 8) reclaim要求归还、矫正、开垦 it-走 1) itinerant流动的,巡回的 2) itinerary行程表、旅行路线 3) itinerate巡回 dict/dic-说 1) indicate显示、象征 2) indicative暗示的 3) indict起诉 4) dictator*者 5) dictation听写 6) abdicate退位、辞职、放...