
breeders of the nephetym



双语例句 1、He is one of the outstanding pig-breeders of the commune.在公社里,他是数得着的养猪能手。2、The principles of the Paris Commune radiates with eternal light.巴黎公社的原则闪耀着不灭的光辉。3、He was so happy communing with the dolphin in Dingle Bay.他在丁格尔湾与海豚...


1.He butchered the pig with a small sharp knife.他用一把锋利的小刀杀猪。2. The pig stores a lot of fat in its body.猪在体内储存了大量的脂肪。3. He is one of the outstanding pig-breeders of the commune.在公社里,他是数得着的养猪能手。4. Pig-breeding not only improves ...


1、并创建了一个名叫新和谐村的公社。And he set up a city called New Harmony.2、公社保证交售蔬菜的质量和数量。The communes gurantee the quantity and quality of the vegetables delivered.3、在公社里,他是数得着的养猪能手。He is one of the outstanding pig - breeders of the commune...


white is an unacceptable color in the show ring. [10] The British KC standard is used in all countries with the exceptions of the US and Canada.[9] Some breeders of this type in America may import their dogs to improve the temperament and health noted in those bloodlines . T...
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