
bring sth with sth


take/bring sth with sb. 分别造句 配中英文

Don't forget take a letter with you 不要忘记随身携带一封信走 Please take a bag with you 请随身携带一只包来


as their reward是状语 bring with sth as reward带来……作为酬劳 这里因为sth比较长,所以后置 这个them肯定指的是人啊,具体什么人就要看文章里前面讲的什么了,这个不难理解吧 bring with 带的是双宾语,sth是直接宾语...

bring sth with us还是take sth with us?why?

都可以 bring sth with us 表示从别的地方来这里,带着东西 take sth with us 表示从这里到别的地方,带着东西

有bring sth for sth这种用法吗?

这种用法当然是可以的。bring见的用法是bring sb sth或者bring sth to sb,这里无论sb或者sth哪一个充当直接宾语(或者间接宾语),用来造句都是可以接受的。

bring和bring sb sth的区别是什么?

两个都可以;1、bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人 ,bring sth for sb 为某人带某物 。2、to 主要强调方向性,for强调服务性。3、bring也可接双宾语,即bring sb. sth. 带某物给某人。例句:1、I never ...


该短语等于Bring something to somebody。意思是为给某人带来某物,bring可做动词、名词,作动词时意思是拿来、带来、促使、引起,使某人处于某种情况或境地。作名词时意思是人名、(英、瑞典)布林。bring短语搭配有bring up、...

?with sb 能列举的都列举出来

help sb with sth so it is with sb leave sth with sb get along with sb get off with sb go with sb bring sth with sb agree with sb 同意某人的看法 agree on sth 同意某事 arrive at/in sp...

词组bring sth. before sb.什么意思?

相关单词:Bring 例句 Remember to bring an apron or an old shirt to protect your clothes.记得带一个围裙或者一件旧衬衫来,免得弄脏你的衣服。But this is the tip of the iceberg with respect to what kind of ...

bring fetch take carry用作动词时,都接什么??with???to??、for...

如:bring her to my house tomorrow.明天把她带到我家来。 (2)fetch后接for,如:fetch a book for me"去取我的书来" (3)take后接with"将……带上",如:take sth with me 随身带;接to,take to 带往,带给...

bring sth to sb和bring sb sth有什么区别?

He bring a bottle of water for her.He bring stewed beef with potatoes over rice for her.他为她带来了土豆牛肉盖饭。当然潜台词是作为的主要餐食的,目的性特别的强,就是为了她特意带的,就是为了解决她...
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