



档案馆英文是archives。n.档案;档案馆;档案室。v.把…存档;把…归档;将(不常用信息)存档。archive的第三人称单数和复数。双语例句:1、The BBC's archives are bulging with material.英国广播公司的档案库材料极其丰富。2、The picture lay hidden in the archives for over 40 years .这张照片在...


the Little Prince (Summary)On the surface this book seems like a simple children's story about a mysterious traveler from outer space. As you look deeper, however, you see that the book adresses numerous social and moral issues. The first issue adressed is the issue of adults ...


The kitchen was littered with appalling mounds of raw food: a slimy rock cod with bulging fish eyes that pleaded not to be thrown into a pan of hot oil. Tofu, which looked like stacked wedges of rubbery white sponges. A bowl soaking dried fungus back to life. A plate of squid, their...


以下是几个类似的例子,可以看出大概的用法吧?He is very cocky, his tail sticking high up in the air.他骄傲得不得了,尾巴翘到天上去了。High up among the bulging clouds thunder went off like a gun.在膨胀的高空云层中,象开炮似打着响雷。The lights were charmingly disposed in ...


肚子的英语:belly。belly读法英 [ˈbeli] 美 [ˈbeli]n. (人或动物的)腹部,肚子;胃,胃口;(物体的)腹状部分;腹部猪肉切;(弦乐器的)面板 v. 鼓起,张满 短语 belly dance 肚皮舞 ; 埃及肚皮舞 beer belly 啤酒肚 ; 将军肚 ; 大肚子 ; 肚子大的人 Belly landing 机...


Once, the ancients gathered for "eight scenery " and united with scenery name one poem: Come "conquering a dragon lying on the roar of a tiger sky, bulging platform of bulging countryside rock company arena. Show up the cold traitor of well destroys a gallbladder , read a book the hole...

讨论大学生兼职问题 英文

a bulging purse can easily turn one from knowledge learning to the pursuit of money.Comparing the two sides, there are more disadvantages than advantages. To us students knowledge is more important than independence. It’s not wise to earn a little money at the cost of neglecting ...


brother 英 [ˈbrʌðə(r)]美 [ˈbrʌðɚ]n.兄弟; 同事,同胞; 同志 int.(表示生气或吃惊)我的老兄!复数: brothers 派生词:brotherliness brotherly 1. He shouted at his brother, his neck veins bulging.他朝他的兄弟吼叫,脖子上青筋暴...

a letter of gratitude关于拾金不昧的

写作思路:通过书信的形式写出自己对于对方拾金不昧的感谢,把事情的始末记叙清楚。正文:Dear leaders of XXX company and XXX college XXXX公司、XXXX学院各位领导:hello!您们好!I am an employee of XXXX Co., Ltd. and colleagues to your school on XX, 20XX. I accidentally lost the bag ...

急急急!!跪求翻译 中译英 高手进 ~答得好的 我追加分

The advertising needs to pay attention to demonstrating and bulging the difference between brand appearing. But increase by to selling the effect also may arrive at up adding fuel to the flame promoting the sales of advertisement. Lead to或3. The life cycle of different products in the role ...
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