



and Walter Brattain of Bell Laboratories drew upon highly sophisticated principles of quantum physics to invent the transistor, a small substitute for the bulky vacuum tube. This, and a device invented 10 years ...


电脑是先进文明的产物,它的出现,对某些人来说,标志着第二次工业革命的到来。Formerly a bulky machine that demanded much space, the computer is now becoming smaller and smaller and scientists have made it more ...


The technical specifications of Clinical Audiometer 1. Air conduction 2. Bone conduction 3. The highest audiometric level of loudspeaker 4. Scope of audiometric level: 10 to 110dB; 5dB between scales, in ...

完美芦荟胶 英文介绍

Function: perfect aloe vera gel is pure natural beauty crystal with nutrition, moisturizing, sunscreen, whitening, anti-wrinkle, go spot, pox-eliminated effect. For wrinkles, shading, acne, freckles, pore bulky,...

fat, obese, fleshy, stout, pudgy, plump, chubby用法上有什么不同...

fat - Having an (over)abundance of flesh.obese - (Medicine) excessively fat or fleshy.fleshy - Having abundant flesh.stout - Strong in body;bulky in figure; thickset or corpulent.pudgy - Short and fat...


great是伟大的意思。great 读音:英 [ɡreɪt]     美 [ɡreɪt]中文:adj. 很好的;美好的;伟大的;重要的;大量的 adv. (口语)好极了 例句:What a great idea!好主意!This cake tastes great....


如:He came into the room, a book under his arm.(后半句可改为and a book was under his arm.But these sorts of products are heavy and bulky and the cost of transporting them relatively high.这一句后...


Michelle, and about to drool." "Wow," I whispered. I watched the gorgeous guy push up the sleeves of his bulky sweater. Everyone at his table had their eyes fixed on him. "That's the man I want to...


1、上车时请您注意车票上的车次和停靠站,并请对号入座。请将您随身携带的行李物品放置在行李架或车厢一端的大件行李处,放置稳妥。Please make sure of your train number and destination.Please be seated according to ...


英文:Thanks for Education, leadership, school leadership for us to provide the teachers to improve their own quality, master new technology. I have for myself to be one of them and glad to think there are...
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