
cancellation lead time什么意思


Current Lead-times in Working Days

(cancellation window是个很专业的用法,订单有效期的意思)

请问贸易条款中cancellation window是什么意思?

reschedule window: 返单交期 cancellation window: 取消定单时间贸易术语是由国际商会制定的,国际商会是一个民间组织。没有一个国家会在法律上承认民间团体的条款。更不用说国际商会了,在许多国家眼里,联合国就是一张橡皮图章。这是世界各地做生意的人们就货物交付和物流承运人的转换达成一致的一种方式。


For all the order plan, please issue the official PO 30 days before the delivery. Because the factory needs sufficient time to prepare the packing material and assemble them. If the PO is issued later than the mentioned time, the original delivery time can not be kept.Please be ...


物流活动中所采用的自然科学与社会科学方面的理论、方法,以及设施、设备、装置与工艺的总称。7、物流成本Logistics cost 物流活动中所消耗的物化劳动和活劳动的货币表现。8、物流管理Loglstics management 为了以最低的物流成本达到用户所满意的服务水平,对物流活动进行的计划、组织、协调与控制。9、物流中...


less 具有半否定意义 用在句子句首,需要部分倒装 具有(半)否定意义的词或短语位于句首时,用部分倒装。如:seldom, rarely, not, never, by no means, in no time, hardly...when, no sooner...than, not only...but also 等等

英文介绍伊斯兰教 天房等

( about 570-632) create to spread.The main dissemination is in Asia, Africa, with the west is second, north not, Central Asia, south second time big six and Southeast Asia most for spread widely.Since 20 centuries, the dissemination and the development in different from some regions of ...
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