



取“cating”中的字母可以组成的5个单词如下:1、cat:读音[kæt],通常在句中作名词,意思是猫,猫科动物。例句:The cat sat licking its paws.那只猫坐着舔爪子。2、can:读音[kən; kæn],通常在句中作名词和动词,意思是罐,听;(装液体、垃圾等带盖的)金属容器,...

变形金刚4观后感英文60词左右 最好有中文翻译

I watched the Transformers: Age of Extinction today,it's really an excating film!The transformers are awesome.The cars and the jets they transformed into are cool,I like them very much.Optimus Prime impressed me a lot,especially when he said"Honor to the end".He's a hero....


1. "pamper(宠溺)"2. "Abandoned(弃我)"3. "Chillybreeze(凉风)"4. "Overduedon'twait(逾期不候)"5. "latesummer(夏末)"6. "Pineapple(菠萝)"7. "Dark(黑暗)"8. "Smile、简单爱"9. "Deeplove(深爱)"10. "Past(往事)"11. "Toosober(太过清醒)"12. "Sting.[...

翻译成英语: 1.一袋金子 2.在男士后面走 3.所有的孩子 4.奏乐 5...

1.a bag of gold 2.follow gentlemen 3.all the children 4.play music 5.some mice 6.help poeple 1.to 2.into 3.How , feel 4.where 5.into 6.in/of , of 7.back 8.before 9.to Does the man play beatiful music ? No, he doesn't .Those are big cities .The child...


3.How can you make a repe shorter without cating or winding out it? 你打错了,应该是(How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it?)不剪断或缠绕绳子怎末让绳子变短 Take a longer rope and compare with it!将它与另一条更长的绳子相比。4.who works only one ...


四肢解尽。——清· 方苞《狱中杂记》3. 又如:解腕(断腕);解手刀(随身携带的小佩刀。又称解腕尖刀);解角(锯取鹿角);解破(解剖)4. 解体,离散 [split;separate]解,散也。——《广雅》恐天下解也。——《汉书》5. 又如:土崩瓦解;解札(裘毛败坏散落);解泽(散布恩泽);解落(散落分离);解续(分合)...


4. To waste a lot of time, left much regret, caused many problems, and lost a lot of desire. In short, in the life most failures most insignificant one year..5。第一想去的是日本的秋叶原(Akihabara),理由么……跟爱好有关吧。第二想去的是各种风景秀丽的乡下(中国的就算了…...


4.モーグル(挪威语:Mogul):雪丘滑雪 5.アルペンスキー(Alpine skiing):高山滑雪 回転(かいてん):回转 大回転(だいかいてん):大回转 スーパー大回転(-だいかいてん)(Super-):超级大回转 スーパー复合(-ふくごう)(Super-):超级全能 滑降(かっこう):滑降 6.スキージャンプ(Ski jum...
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