
china asean summit





中国—东盟自由贸易区(China and ASEAN Free Trade Area,简称CAFTA)是世界上三大区域经济合作区之一(其他两个分别为欧盟与北美自由贸易区),它是由十一个发展中国家组成的自由贸易区,同时也是目前世界上人口最多的自由贸易...


面对世界范围内风起云涌的区域一体化浪潮,东亚各国开始奋起直追。其中最为世人瞩目的举动,就是在2001年末东盟—中国峰会上所宣布的10年内建成“中国—东盟自由贸易区” (China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement,CAFTA)。“中国...

求一篇英语短文 say something about China

At the 5th ASEAN+China Summit (10+1), China and ASEAN countries identified priority areas for cooperation in the new century and unanimously agreed to set up a China-ASEAN free trade area in 10 year's time. This ...


asean的读法是:【æsiæn】。例句 1、ASEAN has branched out tentatively into the security business。东盟已经尝试将合作范围拓展到安全领域。2、Second , promoting the establishment of a China - ASEAN ...

China World Summit Wing, Beijing


中国环境污染问题 用英语回答

Luo Yi, deputy director of science and technology in the eighth CHITEC the development of China's Circular Economy Summit disclosed.According to Luo, the current red tide in coastal areas in China each year t...

中国新加坡建交20年 中文翻译英语

and further deepen bilateral cooperation in key areas and signs of cooperation on the project to promote relations between China and ASEAN and East Asian regional cooperation is steadily moving forward together to ...

...India and China---___their second summit ...

" 金砖四国——巴西,俄罗斯,印度,以及中国——的领导人于星期五(结束)了他们的第二次会晤。 然后胡主席返回帮助指挥青海发生的致命地震的(随后)救援工作。选择 B 的原因如下:1.有明确的时间标志——“on Friday",...


1. the Guangxi tourist resources' main characteristic is the natural scenery, the seashore leisure, the border pass embraces the sentiment, the national character and style. the 2. China - Association of ...
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