comedy造句如下:1、But it is the comedy - some of it very dark - that will stay in the minds of the audience。不过给观众以深刻印象还是影片的喜剧效果-虽说有些段子颇为阴暗。2、I like comedy film。我喜欢喜剧片。3、The new comedy is a box-office smash。这出新喜剧很卖座。4、...
I prefer comedy to tragedy 比起悲剧我更喜欢喜剧
she likes to see movies, such as comedy and action
drama造句:1、A thriller or a drama?2、Then there is more drama.3、The drama may be termed a comedy.4、No, it is not a Korean drama.5、The French drama was neat but empty.6、Transatlantic relations do not contain a similar potential for drama.7、In this the songs were ...
意思是:在某方面有相同之处。造句:What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy.翻译:喜剧演员和喜剧中的演员的共同点。1、短语 have nothing in common 毫无共同之处 have something in common 有共同之处 2、原声例句 Well, however we settle that issue, notice there's ...
用look down造句:1、Don’t look down upon this kind of work.不要看不起这种工作。2、You look awful — you should go and lie down.你看上去身体不适,该去躺一会儿。3、Just look at the airs he’s giving himself, looking down his nose at everybody.你看他的神气,简直是目中无...
有关的造句如下:1、The only cure was a walking boot and complete rest from ballet for several weeks.唯一的治疗方式就是只能穿步行靴,暂停芭蕾舞练习,休息几周。2、I spend most of my spare time on ballet training every day.我每天都把大部分业余时间花在训练芭蕾舞上。3、a male ...