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John Dryden and Alexander Pope were major exponents of the neo-classical school.(4) Satiric literature.(5) SentimentalismII. Neo-classicism. (a general description)1. Alexander Pope(1) Life: a. Catholic family; b. ill health; c. taught himself by reading and translating; d. friend of Addi...
4. Features of Milton’s works. (1) Milton is one of the very few truly great English writers who is also a prominent figure in politics, and who is both a great poet and an important prose writer. The two most essential things to be remembered about him are his Puritanism and his ...
野兔的住宅特点就是非常的简陋,他们习惯了野性的生活,不像家养的宠物兔那样。养兔子注意事项 如果没有安全的空间饲养(如阳台),也可养在笼子里,笼子的空间要大(小型狗的笼子可,但是注意大缝隙的笼底要加装脚垫)。不可以一直关在笼子里,每天要放出来活动一至二个小时以上。笼子里准备饲料碗和水壶(...
(H. L. Heath海军少将旗舰), Hampshire, Cochrane, Shannon 轻巡洋舰 第四轻巡洋舰分舰队 Calliope ( C. E. Le Mesurier海军准将旗舰), Constance, Caroline (此舰现保存在贝尔法斯特), Royalist, Comus 辅助用轻巡洋舰(用于营救,支援等) Active, Bellona, Blanche, Boadicea, Canterbury, Chester 驱逐舰 第四...