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confidant [ˈkɒnfɪdænt] 是一个名词,意为“知己,密友”。这个词汇直接来源于动词 confide,强调了能够获得信任、分享内心深处秘密的亲密朋友。在一段关系中,知己通常是值得信赖的伙伴,他们在彼此之间建立了一种特殊的信任桥梁。自信心(self-confidence)和自负(overconfidence...


1.知心朋友 bosom friend | Intimate friend | confidant | good 2. 朋友圈 Circle of Friends | friend circle | Moments | SNS 3. 亲密朋友 intimate friends | the best friends | Dear Dakanda | Dear Friend 4. 做朋友 To be your friend | Making friends | Make Friends | Be a ...


cousin在英文中读音为/kʌzn/。一、释义 cousin指的是亲缘关系中的表兄弟姐妹或堂兄弟姐妹,即父母的兄弟姐妹的子女。具体关系在不同国家和文化中可能有所不同,但cousin通常是指与自己有一定血缘关系的人。二、出处 单词cousin最早来源于古法语中的 "cossin",后来进一步演变为中古英语中的 "...


如下:1、Tom Soya: Thomas Soya, a clever and lively, full of sense of justice, and was full of resentment of the little boy on the family, the school and the church;hate boring homework, deceptive teachings and the rigidity of the living environment, the dream when the "...


possess?1. They should be someone other than a romantic partner or family member with whom one has a deep and meaningful relationship.2. They can be the object of one's affection.3. They can also refer to someone who provides advice or assistance, such as a close confidant.


1. At the pre-negotiation should be ready to take sufficient job. (1) want to do a good job planning negotiations. That is, to fully understand the negotiating partners, including other stakeholders and cultural situation of the country, the so-called enemy. Confidant want us to ...


1、On this special occasion of Mother's Day, I want to express my heartfelt wishes and gratitude to the most amazing mom in the world. You are a true blessing in my life, and I am forever grateful for your love, care, and support.值此母亲节的特殊时刻,我想向世界上最了不...
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