
conjugate pad



和核酸检测相比,抗原检测增加了「鼻拭子」这一采样途径,降低了个人自测的难度。拭子上的样本在缓冲液中洗脱,取液体滴加在加样孔后,液体会因为毛细作用,带着潜在的抗原,经过一片预载了抗体的区域(结合垫,conjugate pad)。 这片区域...

minimax x4


求文献 handling false signals in gold-based rapid tests

Two things can cause residual gold to stick at the capture line—too slow a flow of the gold along the membrane, or too slow a release from the conjugate pad. These events can happen if the membrane has too small...
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