copy cord core corf cork corm corn cory cosh coss cost cosy cote cots coup cove cowl cows cowy coxa coys cozy crab crag cram crap craw crew crib cris croc crop crow crud crus crux cube cubs cuds cued cues cuff cuif cuke cull culm cult cunt cups curb curd cure curf curl ...
同义词及反义词同义词包含;适用于 [动词]hide; protect; shelter; conceal; include; comprise; contain; involve; consist of;近似同义词paper; canopy; skin; screen; envelop; ensure; album; umbrella; protection; sheet; leaf; disguise; curtain; cloud; pretense; favor; cloak; plate; mat; ...
shuttlecock: [ 'ʃʌtlkɔk ]n. 羽毛球,玩毽子,打羽毛球 v. 互相授受,这儿那儿移动 英英解释:名词shuttlecock:1. badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers 同义词:bird, birdie, shuttle 动词shuttlecock:1. send or toss to and...
shuttlecock: [ 'ʃʌtlkɔk ]n. 羽毛球,玩毽子,打羽毛球 v. 互相授受,这儿那儿移动 英英解释:名词shuttlecock:1. badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers 同义词:bird, birdie, shuttle 动词shuttlecock:1. send or toss to and...
您好!很高兴能回答您的问题!^~^ 此词有两个意思,分别是:Wood:【1】木头,为不可数名词【没有准确的同义词】【2】森林,为可数名词,多用于复数形式“woods”【其最准确的同义词为“forest”,森林】O(∩_∩)O哈哈哈~这是我们老师说的,希望对您能有一定的帮助,谢谢!
同义词:bow; dock; refrain; cluster; tap 辅助记忆 1. 搭配词 boat / cork / head / head / object / tail / head / worms / horse / flowers / ribbons 2. 形近词 bobs / bob 3. 补充 『短语』to bob up and down (在水里)忽沉忽浮 『短语』to bob for apples 玩咬...
chip 名词意思:(木头、玻璃等的) 缺口,缺损处; (木头、玻璃等上掉下来的) 碎屑,碎片,碎渣; 油炸土豆条; 炸薯条;动词意思:打破; 弄缺; 被损坏; 切下,削下,凿下(碎片、屑片); 打(或踢)高球; 近穴击球;例句:I had fish and chips in a cafe 我在一家小餐馆吃了炸鱼薯条。第三...
同义词:sound; genre; father; piece; popular; put; open; pawn; go 搭配词:target / pills / balloon / cork / eyes 短语: to have a pop at sb/sth 批评某人/某事物 to have a pop at sth 尝试… a pop 一次;每个 to pop a blister 啪的一声弄破气泡 to pop the question 求婚 双语例...
8. Hold the bottle and pull the cork out with the other hand.握住瓶子, 用另一只手拔瓶塞.英英解释:形容词other:1. not the same one or ones already mentioned or implied 2. recently past 3. belonging to the distant past 同义词:early, former 4. very unusual; different in ...