never knew love Could be like this Never thought that I Would be the one That you would kiss I never knew love Coul ...More >> The War Is Not Over Lyrics I slowly walk on down into the night To see how dreams of people die They gently fall from windows all around ...
7.赞美红酒的词汇有哪些 酸度(Acid) 葡萄中的酸性成份,天然的防腐剂,可使葡萄酒有清爽,尖锐的感觉。 余味(Aftertaste) 饮用葡萄酒后,残留在口腔中的香味。 芳香的(Aromatic) 来自葡萄中丰富的果香,或年轻葡萄酒中的果香。参见Bouquet。 涩口(Astringent) 由于葡萄酒中单宁引起的口腔涩口感。 平衡感(Balance) 葡...