



count造句:1. I count ten people here.我数了一下,这里有十个人。2. We're counting on you to help us.我们指望你来帮助我们。3. Count out the money carefully.仔细地数一下钱。4. I lost count after ten.我数到十之后就数不清了。5. Your opinion counts.你的意见很重要。一、发...




用count造句如下 1.It's under 7 percent only because statistics don't count the people who aren't qualified to be in the work force.数字低于7%.只是因为统计数据没有把不能算作劳动力的人口包括在内。2.Those involved and benefiting from the scandal must be prepared to stand up and...


He was counting slowly under his breath 他轻声地慢慢数着数。At the last family wedding, George's wife counted the total number in the family 在上一次家族婚礼上,乔治的妻子清点了家族成员的总数。

count 造句大神们帮帮忙

count the money 清点钱数 Let's count her in for Friday's meeting. 让她也参加周五的会议吧

教育很重要 用count造句

education count a lot for a person's future development.

每日一词 02 | count

“count”的这层意思还有一个孪生词:“matter”。两个词可以完美同义替换,上面例句中的“count”也都可以用“matter”来替换,比如:How you learn it matters more than how much you learn. 这段话也体现了“每日一词”的初衷:学习那些最值得学习的词,把这些词学透。3. 从认识到会用...


1、count your blessings:知足。2、at the last count:根据有关…数字的最新消息。单词造句:1、a lengthy disputation about the rights and wrongs of a particular request.对某一要求的对错的冗长的争辩。2、any intervention by her in the debate on immigration would be unhelpful.她对移民...

count for怎么用

count for造句 1、When I first came to college I realised that brainpower didn't count for much 当我初上大学的时候,我认识到智力并不太重要。2、Such men don't count for anything.他这样的人毫不足取。3、He is at the end of his resources, too. Don't count on him for help...
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