cured, curing, cures 中文翻译 v. 治愈, 治疗 n. 治愈, 痊愈 [ 名词 ]1. a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain [ 动词 ]2. provide a cure for, make healthy again3. prepare by chemical processing in order to preserve; "cure meats"动词用法:·Zyvox seems to ...
在某些情况下,cure还可以表示消除或去除某物。这可以是消除某种不良状态或特征,使其恢复到正常或健康的状态。例如,“The medicine cured her of her cough”表示这种药物消除了她的咳嗽问题。总之,cure是一个多义词,根据不同的语境有不同的含义。在医学领域,它通常指的是治愈疾病的过程;在非医学...
1.vaidurya琉璃 2.smyslenny(乖巧)3.Eccentric°(怪人)4.Cool Girl 酷妹纹身)6.Circle(圈子)7.Cured(治愈者)8.Viewer(观众)9.thorns(荆棘)10.Lemon(柠檬)11.prejudice偏见 12.执着 paranoid 13.Unfair(偏心)14.Iraqis(伊人)15.Bitter、泪海 16.seriously 认真 17.O...
There is custom of eating the rice porridge cured eight this days, the rice porridge calls the five flavours gruel of seven treasure too. Our country drinks history of the rice porridge, has had more than 1,000 years already. Begin with Song to take the place of first. When ...
1.disturb为打搅、干扰、弄乱、骚扰等意思,是及物动词,后面可直接跟sb or sth.2.interfere 是不及物动词,有干涉介入的意思,后面搭配in 3.interrupt 打断(谈话等)7. Has it ever occurred to you that those twins are quite different from each other in many ways .sth-occur-to-sb 某人...
1could i nominate you for our monitor?2focus on your work,do not talk 3the doctor takes care of the patient 4 this doctor has cured his cold
31. Cured Goose Wing</ 32. Cured Goose Claw</ 33. Cured Goose Gizzard</ 34. Cured Egg</ 35. Cured金钱肚</ 36. Cured Beef腱</ 37. Cured Beef Tongue</ 38. Assorted卤水 Delights</ 39. Cured Duck Meat</ 40. Preserved Radish and Mung Beans</ 41. Spicy Sliced Stomach<...
在WOW的世界中,可能你会第一次接触到“宏”这个名词。 什么是宏命令? 说白了就是同时把几个技能热键绑到一起用一个键来代替,就像是一份计划书一样,你事先在里面输入你常用的一些命令,当你想用的时候只要按下这个键就可以了。 宏命令的设置流程: 首先,回车,再敲/MACRO。看见了吧?会弹出一个窗口,上面有Ne...