
dash to



dash冲撞 rush匆忙的 dash更不具有目的性.rush更强调于目的,如rush into.dash表示实际的跑步冲撞多些.rush更广泛,如匆忙做某事也可用


  Japanese dash to US to say “I do”   日本情侣蜂拥美利坚 牧师面前誓言“我愿意”   这则报道是说,美国许多旅行社专门为亚洲国家的情侣推出美式婚礼服务,包括他们在教堂举行正式婚礼等。这一举措立刻受到众多日本情侣的青睐,纷纷赶往美国体验那种教堂婚礼情调。英语原题运用了引喻(metaphor)的修...

Python 画图存储(savefig)

52, 37, 34, 51, 56, 56, 60, 70, 76, 63, 67, 75, 64, 51]data1 = [50, 55, 47, 34, 42, 49, 63, 62, 73, 59, 56, 50, 64, 60, 67, 67, 58, 59, 73, 77, 84, 82, 80, 84, 98]data2 = [36, 28, 25, 33, 38, 20, 22, 30, 25,...


1,All work, no pay, makes nurses go away.重活无筹,护士开走 2, 37 killed in Italian plane crash.意一飞机坠毁,37人遇难 3, Chinese cooks masters at turning turnip into flower.中国厨师顶呱呱,掌中萝卜雕成花 4, Japanese dash to US to say "I do"日本情侣求浪漫,喜事涌到美国...


17) I have an axe to grind.我得去磨我的斧子了!—— 大牛 18) D'you wanna buy a cigar? 想买雪茄?——神灵武士 19) Direct my hatred. 指引我的仇恨。——小黑 20) Justice will be served! 正义终会得到伸张的!——船长 dota2英雄...


例2:Those___want to go to the village must sign here. 经过观察可以判断横线所在为定语从句的引导词,进一步观察可知先行词为those,且指人,所以只能填入who,在定语从句中做主语。 第九招短语动词结构 短语动词是以动词为中心的两个或多个词构成的短语,此类短语中往往是动词与介词或副词连用的多些。这种会有...

小马宝莉主题曲歌词 小马宝莉主题曲歌词解释

I used to wonder what friendship could be 我曾经好奇什么是友谊 (My Little Pony) 我的小马驹 Until you all shared its magic with me 直到你们与我分享魔力 When danger makes me wanna hide, youll Rainbow Dash to my side 当危险无情地席来,你如云宝窜到我身边 Kindness is never in ...


When I was with the national team, wearing a five-star red flag bearing the logo sportswear, caught in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, the United States sprinters among manliness , full of dash to enter the Olympic Games in 2012, fully loaded with people across the country...


15、鸿星尔克Erke——to be no.1 16、唐狮:爱我全世界。17、卡帕Kappa:He who loves me follows me(爱我就跟随我)18、三六一度361:勇敢做自己。19、鳄鱼Lacoste:运动态度,对待生活。(体育精神、对待生活)20、安踏Anta:永不止步。精选运动鞋广告词 1、 XX运动,勇敢作为 2、 ...

yard dash是什么意思

yard dash的中文翻译 yard dash 码速 双语例句 1 Between the showers the children would dash about in the yard.阵雨停歇之间,孩子们就在院子里跑来跑去。2 And it looks like a person starting the robot dance while the gun goes off for a 50-yard dash to the side.而且这个字看起来...
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