



1. lizard 蜥锡 2. zodiacal 星座的 3. dazedly 眼花缭乱的 4. dazzled 弦耀 5. bulldoze 威胁, 用推土机清除 6. bulldozer推土机,威胁者 7. plagiazed抄袭 8. paralyzed 使麻痹 9. realized 认识 10. sizzled 油炸食物发出的声音 11. puzzled 使疑惑 ...


daffily daftly daily daintily dally damagingly damnably damningly damply damselfly dandily dandyishly dangerously dankly dapperly daringly darkly darlingly dashingly dastardly datedly datively dauntingly dauntlessly dayfly daylily dazedly dazzlingly deadeningly deadly deafeningly deafly dearly ...


tired的比较级是more tired,最高级是most tired。1、tired的释义 adj.厌倦;疲倦的;疲劳的;厌烦;困倦的;陈旧的;陈腐的;陈词滥调的。v.(使)疲劳,疲倦,困倦。2、tired的短语 be tired of厌倦。be tired out筋疲力尽。born a bit tired生来有点疲倦(对懒人的讽刺挖苦话)。dazedly tire...




happened. One of the two persons hacked the other one with a long knife. With blood splashing out, he fell down. Obviously, there was a murder occurred at that building. Mr. Chen dazedly observed the crim. He strived to calm himself down and then immediately called a nurse.


[the dazed state in which a drinker finds himself;drunkenness;state of ecstasy] 饮酒沉醉之后,似乎进入了另一番乡境,飘飘然别有滋味 醉心 zuìxīn [be bent on;be in ecstasies over sth.take a great interest in] 爱好而一心专注 他一向醉心于数学的研究 醉醺醺 zuìxūnxūn [drunkenly;...


眯缝的眼睛unblinking 一眨都不眨的眼睛dazed, unfocused 目光茫然的眼睛;涣散的眼神mad, staring, wild 发狂的眼神;紧盯的目光angry, cruel, fierce 愤怒的眼神;残酷的眼神;凶狠的眼神anxious 焦虑的目光greedy, hungry 贪婪的目光;饥渴的眼神:鼻子big, bulbous, enormous, huge, large, long, prominent, strong ...


Daisy always made fun of her meeting with Gatsby. Gatsby was dazed and listened to her at random, and naively assumed that the ending was not the end.However, the real tragedy is quietly starting at this time.Daisy was no longer the old lady daisy. Daisy, however, regarded ...


醉组词有:醉蟹、醉枕、泥醉、醉狂、醉梦、酒醉、灌醉、三醉、醉翁、醉枣、醉月、醉面等。一、醉蟹 [ zuì xiè ]用酒浸渍的蟹。清·李渔《闲情偶寄·饮馔·蟹》:“瓮中取醉蟹,最忌用灯。”二、醉枕 [ zuì zhěn ]借指醉梦。宋·石孝友《踏莎行》词:“沉水销红,屏山掩素,锁窗醉枕惊...
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