


翻译 英文 拜托

(8) Why is it easier to dress in red make people take any actions?(9) David has made such great progress that his parents were much satisfied with it (10) The issues / problems between China and Japan should be solved through peaceful means ...


8. button 9. handcuffs 10. purse 二, 句子 A 11. Did steal 12. went after 13. found missing 14. length long 15. how many break B 16. the other side of 17. tourist reported 18. dealed with 19. hold out 20. off argue 三, 完形填空 D...


8) We hope that we would be helped by them in doing the research.9) We appreciate our being invited by you to your party.10) The police believe that the crime will be solved by them soon.希望我的回答能够帮助你,谢谢采纳!

the call this watch in english变成被动句

4. Thousands of stamps has been collected by my brother.5. The matter will be dealed with by them soon.6. The baby is being taken care of by Anut Wang.7. A film was being watched by them when I got there.8. This song is often songed by children.9. This kind of c...




灭火器的报废年限灭火器从出厂日期算起,达到如下年限的,必须报废:手提式化学泡沫灭火器——5 年;手提式酸碱灭火器——5 年;手提式清水灭火器——6 年;手提式干粉灭火器(贮气瓶式)——8 年;手提贮压式干粉灭火器——10 年;手提式 1211 灭火器——10 年;手提式二氧化碳灭火器——12 年...
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