



Love is debauch thing, people are frustrated can not play. 2、再一夜,他又和谁缠绵,她又和谁的温存暧昧。 Then one night, he and she who lingering, and who have ambiguous. 3、人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全,但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 People with the moon waxes and wanes, grief at ...


耽误 耽搁 耽心 耽溺 耽耽 耽爱 耽思 耽酒 耽读 耽书 耽情 耽乐 耽待 耽玩 耽宠 暹耽 耽怀 耽迷 耽恋 耽忧 耽悦 苏耽 沈耽 耽味 耽学 耽延 耽意 乐耽 耽迟 耽湎 耽嗜 耽道 耽色 耽淫 耽昏 耽欲 耽惑 耽好 耽阁 耽惊 荒耽 耽研 耽沦 耽荒 耽古 耽毵 耽饮 耽志 耽...


4、日出日落=朝朝暮暮,月亮星星=无限思念,风花雪月=柔情蜜意,流星心语=祝福万千,祝你有个快乐的新年! Sunrise and sunset = every morning and evening, the moon and the stars = infinite, debauch = = blessing thousands of meteors sugary love, heart, I wish you a happy new year! 5、吻你的感觉...


——《南史·檀超传》 放荡 fàngdàng 〖dissolute;dissipated;debauch;indulgein〗∶任意妄为,淫乐放纵 〖unconventional〗∶行为不加检点 放荡不羁 放刁 fàngdiāo 〖makedifficultiesforsb.;actinarascallymanner〗即耍无赖。以诈伪或暴露恶性来欺负人 放毒 fàngdú 〖poison〗∶投放毒物或施放毒气 次日在较低的田里...


释义 放荡:放纵,不受约束,或行为不检点,任由自己怎么做。 反义词 约束,束缚。 相关词组 1.放荡不羁: 行为放任,无所约束。《晋书·王长文传》:“少以才学知名,而放荡不羁,州府辟命皆不就。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十六:“[ 灿若 ]平时与一班好朋友,只以诗酒娱心,或以山水纵目,放荡...

《汤姆叔叔的小屋》英文好句子及翻译;呼啸山庄英文好句子及翻译_百度知 ...

But who, sir, makes the trader? Who is most to blame? The enlightened, cultivated, intelligent man, who supports the system of which the trader is the inevitable result, or the poor trader himself? You make the public statement that calls for his trade, that debauches and ...




Love is debauch thing, people are frustrated can not play. 29、将爱情当作理想的人,不会有真正的理想。 The ideal of love, there will be no real ideal. 30、想要的生活非常简单,追寻它的道路却始终迂回反复。 The life you want is very simple, but the road to it is always circuitous. 31、人...


Sunrise and sunset = every morning and evening, the moon and the stars = infinite, debauch = = blessing thousands of meteors sugary love, heart, I wish you a happy new year! 23、天上飘着些微云,地上吹着些微风,微风吹动了我的头发,教我如何不想你? Slight cloud floating in heaven, a bree...


Love is debauch thing, people are frustrated can not play. 15、我最高兴的事就是一个人的时候静静地想你。 My happiest thing is when a person quietly think of you. 16、我能想到最浪漫的事,就是和你一起慢慢变老。 I can think of the most romantic thing is to grow old with you together. ...
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