



“add”的反义词:reduce 。英 [rɪˈdju:s] 美 [rɪˈdu:s]vt.减少;缩小;使还原;使变弱 vi.减少;节食;蒸发;(液体)浓缩变稠 第三人称单数: reduces 现在分词: reducing 过去式: reduced 过去分词: reduced 双语例句:1、They were reduced to extreme poverty ...

请帮忙翻译一下,意思要准确就行, 希望能够语句通畅。谢谢。

I would like to know the procedure to operate the chargeback. Is it deducted from the amount of our next PO or do we pay you 100 USD directly? Normally we are not allowed to deduct any cost from the payment. We would like to pay you the cost of rejection separately.您好,...


DN表示公称直径。DE在工程上用表示塑料管的直径,即外直径。公称通径(nominal diameter),又称平均外径(mean outside diameter),这是缘自金属管的管璧很薄,管外径与管内径相差无几,所以取管的外径与管的内径之平均值当作管径称呼。


Minus/Deduct the payment of goods this time, there is ¥7 left from your last payment transfer


英语中以d开头的常见单词有:daily 、dairy、dam、damage、damn。1、daily 英 ['deɪlɪ] 美 ['delɪ]adj. 日常的;每日的 n. 日报;朝来夜去的女佣 adv. 日常地;每日;天天 短语 Sharp Daily 香港爽报 Daily Air 德安航空 ; 台湾德安航空公司 Daily activities 日常的活动...


n/60means that the credit period is 60 days but the debtor may deduct 2% from the invoice amount if payment is made within 10 days of the invoice date.The 10 days is known as the discount period.5. 2/10,1/15,n/30 means a 2% discount can be taken if the invoice ...


--假设字段名位:tid 教师号,tname 姓名,tsex 性别,tage年龄,tdate 参加工作年月,tparty党员,tpay应发工资,tdeduct扣除工资 --1.用INSERT插入一条新纪录:--300008 杨梦 女 59 66/04/22 YES 1660 210 insert into teachers values(300008,'杨梦','女',59,'66/04/22','yes',1660,210)...


“工资”用英语有三种说法:salary、pay、wages。1、pay是普通用词,不可数,意思是“工资,薪水”,指工作所得到的酬金,也可特指发给军人的薪饷,强调付、了钱。例如:We refused to pay them their wages.翻译:我们拒绝付给他们工资。2、salary一般指脑力劳动者的月薪或年俸。例如:His regular ...

java 编程 计算工人工资,

JAVA计算工人工资,参考例子如下:import java.util.Scanner;public class Demo00 { //定义一个三维数组,用于记录每个部门、分支、绩效工资 private static final float[][][] SALARY_OF_PER_HOUR = { {{10.75f,12.50f,14.50f},{11.75f,14.50f,17.50f}},{{13.00f,16.00f,18.50f}...


deduct vt.扣除;演绎(推理)deed n.行为,行动;功绩,事迹;证书;契据 deem v.认为,相信 deep a.深的,深长的;深奥的;强烈的 ad.深入的,迟 deer n.鹿 defeat n.击败,战胜,失败 v.击败,战胜;使失败 defence n.(defense)防御,保卫;防务工事;辩护 defect n.过失;缺点;不足 defend v.防守,保卫...
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