3. APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding 4. Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing 5. Memory and desire, stirring 6. Dull roots with spring rain.7. Winter kept us warm, covering 8. Earth in forgetful snow, feeding 9. A little life with dried-up cake.10. ABOVE the antler...
9. You slowly approach me in a strawberry-colored spring shirt with a white-trimmed collar, you're a charming young lady.10. Your elongated almond eyes, white and smooth skin, and dimpled cheeks are stunningly beautiful.11. Your graceful and elegant demeanor, your delicate and lov...
机敏的5. aggressive有进取心的6. alert机灵的7.ambitious有雄心壮志的8. amiable和蔼可亲的9. amicable友好的10.analytical善于分析的11. humorous幽默的12. impartial公正的13.independent有主见的14. sincere真诚的15. smart精明的16. spirited生气勃勃的17. sporting光明正大的18. steady塌实的19. st...
You said that you like my big eyes, like my dimpled smile, and of course my short hair, I hope that all these are true, I will join hands with you to create a better life together in the future.4、记住:爱一个人不要爱得太满,小心物极必反。两个人在一起的时候要适当的...
,Shawshank Redemption(肖申克的救庶),The Dish(天线),the Royal Tenenbaums (特南鲍姆一家)电视:Simpsons(阿森一族)[而且丹一直希望能为这部片子配音] 糖果:Mars bar(一种巧克力) 饮料:Diet Coke(健怡可乐)食物:麦当劳 动物:狼[因为丹认为狼既可爱又危险]颜色:绿、红、金 数字:9爱好:电影、写作...
汤姆参加职业演出已经有9年了,1996年时他第一次登上大银幕是在彼得·休伊特执导的《借债人》中扮演皮格林。1999年时,他在《安娜与国王》中扮演了茱迪·福斯特在银幕上的儿子路易斯。 9.大卫·塞夫利在片中饰演莱姆斯·J·卢平 10.小天狼星 加里·奥德曼(饰 小天狼星)再次扮演了哈利被冤枉了的教父,最近从阿兹...
五官较大的Double-chinned 双下巴的High-cheekboned 颧骨很高Sharp-featured 五官分明的Well-featured 五官端正的Pimpled 有粉刺的Rosy/ruddy红润的Freckled 有雀斑的Wrinkled 起皱纹的Double-faced 两面派的Well-Shaped 好看的Wrinkled/Furrowe有皱纹的CHEEK 脸颊Bloated 浮肿的Dimpled 有酒窝的Flabby 松弛的...