Oh My Heart-James http://xianexs.mail.qq.com/cgi-bin/downloadfilepart/svrid222/04-james-oh_my_heart.mp3?svrid=222&fid=d3e1ce343b363d3e1edd8fbed6136a6b2f4f7c3470ef313d&&txf_fid=&&txf_sid= Adore this life There is no guarantee Could end by tomorrow Adore every fight...
Love, liberty and time, once so disaposable,are the fuels that drive me forward.And love, most especially.For you, our children, our brothers and sisters, and for the vast and wonderful world that give us life.Endless affections, Mia Sofia.Ezio Auditore.这是英文的,求高人翻译意大利文......
8——剑师、魔导师、大地骑士 9——大剑师、大魔导师、天空骑士 10——剑圣、圣魔导师、圣骑士 10级圣域之上就是半神了,魔法师拥有元素之魂,剑师则有斗气之心。半神之上就为神 神的等级:下位神、中位神、上位神、主神、至高神 魔法的种类:地、水、风、火、光、暗、雷七种元素魔法,生命、...
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1、光是粒子:有质量,动量和能量,光压,遵守动量和能量守恒。2、光是波动:有干涉衍射,E和B遵守波动规律。3、光的波粒二象性:有些场合波动性突出,用波动规律描述;有些场合粒子性突出,用粒子性规律描述;有些场合粒子性和波动性都要考虑,用波动和粒子规律共同描述。4.理解光的波粒二重性 说光是...
东姑阿都拉曼的个人资料 东姑阿都拉曼,或阿卜杜勒•拉赫曼 (Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Shah,1903年2月8日-1990年12月6日) 是马来西亚的第一任首相。1954年, 东姑阿都拉曼成为了马来亚的高任部长。马来亚在 8月31日,1957年马来亚独立时,他成为了马来...
Everytime you kissed me Everytime you kissed me 每当你亲吻我的时候 I trembled like a child 我像一个孩子似地发抖 gathering the roses 收集一朵朵玫瑰 we sang for the hope 我们为希望而歌唱着 your very voice is in my heartbeat 你独特的声音铭刻在我的心跳里 sweeter than my dream ...
60-62是1.0 63-64是1.3 65-67是1.5 68-69是1.8 70-72是2.0 73-74是2.3 75-77是2.5 78-79是2.8 80-84是3.5 85-89是3.5 90-94是4.0 95-99是4.5 应该对你有帮助吧? 绩点算法是相对应成绩乘以这科的对应学分 加权后下面除以总学分 ...
(改为直接引语)He said to me,“ Can I become a volunteer?7.Very few people understood his words。(改为同义句)Very few people understood what he said.8.She said it was no more disapointing。 (改为同义句)She said it was disapointing finally。参考资料:百度知道 ...
8 mile spend some time the real slim shady cleaning out my closet kill you Declan-- an angel imagine danny boy mama said tell me why Daniel powter-- free loop bad day jummy gets high craig david-- fill me in 7 days you don't miss your water elton john-- rocket man your song ...