4. 关于玛丽家规的英语作文 Choose the most important things to make rules about – for example, a rule about not physically hurting each other would be a must for most families. You might also develop rules about:safetymannerspolitenessdaily routineshow you treat each other.Every ...
瑞典战胜巴拉圭,外电报道用了这样一个词:down。我们熟悉的down都是作形容词、副词和介词。但是down也有动词的用法,尽管这个用法比较少见。Down作动词的时候有“打败”的意思,所以“战胜、打败”也可以用down来表示。3. Switzerland beat Togo 2-0, while Ukraine trounced Saudi Arabia 4-0.不管是...
那些塔是歪的,偏离垂直线4到10英尺。8、She would be sure to make a song and dance about her aching feet.她肯定会因为脚痛而大惊小怪。9、After some ups and downs he has finally landed on his feet.经过一些曲折,他最终成功了。10、He led me up hill and down dale till my ...
1、romantic [ro'mæntɪk] adj.浪漫的,谈情说爱的,多情的,风流的;2、relationship [rɪ'leɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp] n.关系; 联系; 浪漫关系; 血缘关系;3、romance [rəu'mæns] n.恋情,浪漫史;传奇性;爱情故事;4、 ...
4. 要一篇课堂英语小作文(初二的适合中等水平的 ,六七十个单词左右 My name is Martin Li, my first...downs of life should believe such a ridiculous trick.我从未想到一个经历人生起伏的人竟相信这荒唐
1、The graph illustrates (1) 总体介绍图表情况。According to the graph, in YEAR1,(2)YEAR1 年的信息描述。For example, (3) 举例说明。However by YEAR2,(4)YEAR2 的信息描述。During the same period, there was a large increase in (5) 描述数据转变。In YEAR1, (6) 提供 YEAR1 ...
青春的英文唯美句子4 1. The shortest answer is doing 最简短的回答就是行动。 2. Failure is the mother of success 失败乃成功之母。 3. While there is life, there is hope 有生命便有希望。 4. Where there is life, there is hope 有生命必有希望。 5. I feel strongly that I can make it...
一些学生住在市中心,而另一些则住在郊区,靠近开阔的绿野,视野遍及埃文峡谷美景的Downs区(开阔绿野)。频繁往来的巴士服务,将这些大学宿舍与教学楼和城市的其他部分连接起来。 大学的住宿办公室位于学生会大楼的四层,处理学生的住宿申请。此外,它还为住宿问题,如家庭住宿,提供信息与建议。大学附近还有私人住宿,每周租金在...
可以再刷一遍的。已经是Flyme2.2.4固件的,没有问题的可以不刷的。遇到问题的,可以重刷的。下载和具体操作如下链接http://www.meizu.com/services/downs.html?id=170&selectedType=mx2 注意事项:1) 升级前请通过Flyme帐户备份手机数据;2) 升级前请保证手机电池电量大于20%;3) 香港版MX2升级内地...
4. 写一篇英文介绍我的家乡的作文 Beijing, the capital of China,is a very beautiful and important city,which is one of the ancient cities in China. There are many famous wonders and beautiful spots,such as the Great Wall,the Forbidden City,the Summer Palace,Beihai Park and so on. Beijing ...