
earn a spot on是什么意思?



spot-on adj, adv 恰好的(地); 准确的(地)例句与用法:His assessment of the situation was spot-on.他对形势判断得很正确。Your budget figures were spot-on this year.你做的本年度预算数字十分准确。词形变化:动...


earn的意思为赢得赚得 拓展:美 [ɜrn],英 [ɜː(r)n 第三人称单数:earns 现在分词:earning 过去式:earned 同义词 v.make,be paid,take home,receive,get 搭配 v.+n.earn money,earn livin...


earn的意思是:vt. 赚,赚得;获得,挣得;使得到;博得,词组如下:earn money 赚钱 earn a living 谋生;活命 earn interest 赚取利息 earn的读音是:英 [ɜːn] 美 [ɝn]用法示例:1、They all...


作副词时意思是“准确地;恰好”。例句:1、On the Red Spot of Amaryllis vittata (Ⅱ): Host Range and Disaster Symptom朱顶兰红斑病的研究 (Ⅱ)寄主范围及危害状 2、They are formed over a hot spot of magma....


词汇解析 1、earn 英 [ɜːn] 美 [ɝn]vt. 赚,赚得;获得,挣得;使得到;博得 例:What a lovely way to earn a living.一个多好的谋生方式啊!例:Companies must earn a reputation for ...


1.作为名词,"spot"可以表示“斑点、污点、地点、场所、职位、机会”等。例如:There's a spot on your shirt.(你的衬衫上有个污点。)We found a great spot for a picnic.(我们找到了一个很适合野餐的地方。)He...

trip on什么意思?

1.绊;绊倒(与 on, over 连用)The old man tripped over a stone.老人被石头绊了一下。2.犯错误;失误(与 on, over 连用)The student tripped on that difficult question.学生答错了那道难题。

turn on什么意思中文翻译

turn on 英[ˈtɜːn ɒn] 美[ˈtɜːrn ɑːn][词典] 打开(设备); 接通(?的供应); 诱惑; 激发?的性欲; 突然表现得; 突然装出; 对?进行身体(或语...


On-track" or "on-target" earnings (OTE)常见於招工广告,尤其是销售行业。这类行业的工资构成包括底薪和提成。当销售业绩达到指定 要求时,所得的提成就叫OTE.

set out on是什么意思呢?

We had to set out on short notice. 一接到通知,我们就出发了。Resolved to set out on the morrow. 决定次日启程。The ship set out on a long voyage. 那艘船出发进行长途航行。There being no bus,they had ...
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