



(参考翻译:Old problems remain, and new problems are beginning to emerge.)2)结合自己的生活、学习、工作、兴趣等,先想象在什么语境下会用到这个表达,然后再进行造句。场景1:腐败早就存在,只不过这几年才暴露出来 造句:Corruption has been there for a long time,but it has emerged in...


这部著作名为《俄耳甫斯 Emerged》,由美国著名作家杰克·凯鲁亚克创作,陈珊倾情翻译,为中国读者带来了独特的文学视角。它由人民文学出版社于2012年11月1日发行,以平装版的形式呈现,每一页都充满了作者的独特思想和艺术魅力。全书共计144页,内容丰富而深沉,每字每句都蕴含着凯鲁亚克独特的文学风格。定...

emerged into a clearing是什么意思啊?

Harry blundered after Ron toward the light, stumbling and tripping, and a moment later they had emerged into a clearing.哈利跌跌撞撞地跟着罗恩朝亮光跑去,一会儿他们就跑到了一片空地。


赢取的通知为类别"A" 优胜者 奖金抽奖促进奖褒奖赢取通知 亲爱的Lucky Winner, 我们高兴通知您正义结束的年鉴的结果 决赛画英国全国抽奖国际抽奖 节目。网上cyber lotto 画被举办了从 个体21,000 封电子邮件一张专属名单和 法人团体采摘了由一次先进的自动化的任意计算机查寻从 互联网, 没有票被卖了。


以下是高质量译文:为种类的结果 " 一 "个你的电子邮件住址已经嬴得!!!ATENTION,为种类 " 一 "个胜利者的得胜注意 亲爱的幸运胜利者,关于: 珍视奖赏胜利通知 我们很高兴告知你仅仅总结的年刊的结果 信托国际的奖券的最后平局规划。 在线网际乐透 平局从一本 25,000个电子邮件帐号的独有目录被引导 ...


1. Don't forget ___B___ the window before leaving the room.A. to have closed B. to close C. having closed D. closing 2. He succeeded __A___ out a lot of things entirely new in the world.A. in working B. to work C. working D. at working ...


1. 深圳的变化(英语作文) shen zheng is a beautiful city. It is famous for it's peaceful. As the industry develops,more and more badman came to shen zhen,crimes happen everyday. Service develops,but human relationship dissapears. What a nice city!The window of the industry city in China...


the investment is small, the fund recycles and so on superiority to reveal that quickly, already emerged one batch of investment in enterprise culture project in the near future, for instance “impression Xihu”, the musical “the butterfly”, the musical “Xuelanghu” created has ...

【附译文】懂你英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 1 【Is Online Dating Killi...

1. — What kind of love has merged with online dating services?  — But with more people using online dating services, a very different kind of love has emerged: one that is scientific, convenient, and self-directed.2. — What represent the realistic side of love?&#...
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