个人理解:在onwner 和 manager 不是一人的公司中,manager通常会倾向于追求自己的利益(而不是公司所有者的利益),他们会用公司的钱(也就是公司所有者的钱)去做一些追求自己利益而损害公司利益的事情,公司所有者为了防止此类情况的发生会付出agency cost去监管manager。agency cost对公司来说是费用,...
(6)“管理费用”专案,反映企业发生的管理费用。本专案应根据“管理费用”科目 求资产负债表和利润表的...其中:长期股权投资 Including long term equity investment 长期债权投资 Long term securities investment...* 少数股东权益 Minority interests 实收资本(股本) Subscribed Capital 国家资本 National capital 集体...
股东应占收益 其他还有:current ratio 流动比率=流动资产/流动负债 quick ratio 速动比率=速动资产/流动负债 debt ratio 负债比率=负债总额/资产总额 debt to equity 负债权益比率=带息负债/(负债+所有者权益)dividend payout ratio 股息支付率=普通股股息/普通股净收益 net working capital营运资金...
身高: 6 ' 0 " 体重: 12st 3磅转:梅德斯团结, 1962分之11 全部国际:英格兰...Teaching Activities Research Interests Please check the MSc website. Urban and Regional Economics...Graham, 2007, Equity implications of tradable carbon permits for the personal transport sector, ...
the first major REITs to raise the object will be the institutional investors, in the form more similar to the one closed-end private equity real estate investment."Central Bank - China Banking Regulatory Commission" version of the lead recent media, the "Shanghai Edition" program o...
Clearly defined property rights, the rational allocation of property rights and the interests of the decision of the incentive mechanism is the main...Clarify the accounting treatment of financial accounting of the assets, liabilities and owner's equity of the basic theory and methods; financial ...
restructuring, expand public services, improve social management and promote social equity and ...workers in cities, and protect the rights and interests of every worker in accordance with the ...六)完善社会管理,维护社会安定团结。社会稳定是人民群众的共同心愿,是改革发展的重要前提。要健全党委领导...
AlternativeInvestment Market today. For many years academics focused more on laws,believing that exchanges pursued members' interests rather than those ...Raising money through equity markets and banksbecame more costly, and sometimes impossible, for companies that had beencriticised. Suppliers and ...
scale and scope的意思 规模和范围 例句:双语英语1.And bear markets can also be awe-inspiring in their scale and scope.而熊市同样让人震惊,特别是它宏大的规模和深广的范围。2.Article 2 the registered capital of a chinese-foreign equity joint venture shall adapt to its scale and scope...
A total of 234 comments (main front : 226, start : 8) A total of 12 pages Current article 6 Page Home < < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10...Equity and justice are the foundation of a harmonious society! The rule of law is to ensure harmonious system! And the protection of vulnerable ...