wagst du nicht Laichzeit...überall Fischmilch es ist Laichzeit Die Mutter hat das Meer geholt Laichzeit die Schwestern haben keine Zeit Laichzeit der Hund steht winkend am Gestade Laichzeit der Fisch braucht seine Einsamkeit Laichzeit http://music.baidu.com/song/433196 ...
The gentians lift their sapphire fringes.On roadways rich with golden tinges,The waddling ...6. Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌...That I cannot get a wink o'sleep for thinking of my dear; I hunger at my meat and I daily...
6. 有关夏天的英语诗 Summer song: Summer song summer long summer sounds of summer throng summer light summer night summer feels alive and bright Floating breezes fresh and free gentle sunkissed bumble bee curling creatures sleeping so marching ants they come and go tall grass bends in sun lit...
UNSC Chares 万千号 不明,或许存活 UNSC Constantinople 君士坦丁堡号 翡翠鸟级轻型巡洋舰 被毁 UNSC ...UNSC Wink of an Eye 瞬间号 不明,可能存活 炮艇UNSC炮艇(战舰)英文名中文名描述UNSC Callisto 卡
wink v. 眨眼,闪烁 hide v. & n. 隐藏, 躲藏处 as if conj. 仿佛,好象 animal n. 动物 ...词组7B (unit 5—6)---8A(unit 1—2)1. Be careful___ give a seat to someone on the bus...11. 以“o”结尾的加 “es”为复数的___12. have a great/ hard time doing sth ___13. talk...
最常用的保持最短,比如单字母(word→w)。次常用的可以多几个字母(wink→w被占用,就用wink,或wi)。用文件名后缀作缩写是个好办法。word→doc, powerpoint→ppt……多版本只需要加数字或其他标识。比如fx2=Firefox v2.0,fx3=Firefox 3beta。再如tc=Total ...
And across the border,the eses are getting smarter They got flour to tortillas and lettuce for enchiladas If you follow,wink,wink,no doubt,wo don't speak In a blink,them folks can have you sleepin' in the clink I'm sittinin' on niggas and peein' on the seat It's that...
最常用的保持最短,比如单字母(word→w)。次常用的可以多几个字母(wink→w被占用,就用wink,或wi)。用文件名后缀作缩写是个好办法。word→doc, powerpoint→ppt……多版本只需要加数字或其他标识。比如fx2=Firefox v2.0,fx3=Firefox 3beta。再如tc=Total ...
i will now summon the "afree dwinkto" 我现在要召唤可怕的"阿佛瑞 德文托"了…… i summon the...Pissed6 - "My dad... he was a bi-Polar."--- 我老爹。。。他曾是个bi-polar。(??,bi-...Ashes to ashes: 就是经常听到的那句Ashes to ahses, dust to dust,尘归尘,土归土,葬礼上常用的祈祷...